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Don’t worry about Age of Empires 4’s saturation - there are “options”

The Age of Empires 4 devs have said players will be able to tinker with some of the game's visuals

Age of Empires 4 looked pretty dazzling in the X019 trailer unveiled last month, but it looks like players will get the chance to adjust the game’s visuals to their liking when it arrives. AoE4 creative director Adam Isgreen has revealed that players will be able to turn the saturation down in the game.

In an Extra Life stream on Mixer (which you can check out below) Isgreen says of the trailer: “[On] the look of the game, I know a lot of people were like ‘Oh my god! It’s bright!’ That’s just saturation, it’s ok. Don’t worry about it. You can turn down the saturation. There’s options.”

“The power is in your hands,” adds general manager Shanon Loftis, with Isgreen agreeing: “That’s right, and we want to be a great citizen of PC gaming.” While there’s no detail yet on how these “options” will work or how much scope for visual customisation there’ll be, it’s useful for players to know they’ll be able to tinker to suit their preferences to some degree.

Check out the Age 4 devs’ chat about the game’s trailer and saturation adjustment options below (around the 8:43:20 mark):

That’s not the only way the upcoming strategy title will help fans to tailor the gameplay. For example, players will have some choices over game length and pacing, meaning you can play two-hour games in Age of Empires 4’s game modes, but “you don’t have to.”

Its developers have also said that fans’ responses to previous games in the Age series and RTS title, Rise of Nations, have informed Age of Empires 4, and helped teach them what players want. There’s no set Age of Empires 4 release date to mark on our calendars just yet, but hopefully more news on when we can expect it to arrive will come in 2020.