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Apex Legends Season 7: release date, new map, vehicles, everything we know so far

Everything you need to know about Apex Legends Season 7: Ascension, including the release date and new map

Yes, we know that we’re still in Season 6, but the Apex Legends Season 7 release date is just around the corner. Respawn has finally confirmed that we’ll be playing with a new character and a new map after weeks – even months – of teasers, and we’re like kids on Christmas Eve over here.

Season 6 gave us Rampart and some major changes to World’s Edge – including a huge rocket which we think could play into Season 7’s plans… This season also saw the introduction of the Volt SMG – which sits pretty high on our Apex Legends weapons tier list by the way – but we’re not expecting another brand new weapon so soon.

So, we’ve collated all the information we’ve got about Season 7 so far into one handy place – read on for everything we know about the new Apex Legends map, the new Legend arriving in Season 7, and more details about what awaits when the Ascension release date arrives.

Without further ado, here is everything we know so far about Apex Legends Season 7.

Apex Legends Season 7 release date

The Apex Legends Season 7 release date is November 4, 2020. Season 7: Ascension has been confirmed to begin just after Season 6 ends – this was expected by many of us, but it’s good to get confirmation in a year like 2020.

Respawn has also confirmed that Season 7 will introduce a new Battle Pass similar to previous seasons, with 100 exclusive cosmetics for players to enjoy.

Season 7 also sees Apex Legends available on Steam, and you’ll be able to grab some exclusive cosmetics if you play it through Valve’s client.

Finally, Season 7 is also adding clubs, a guild-like feature to foster more co-operation between likeminded players.

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Apex Legends Season 7 New Character

The newest addition to Apex Legends, Horizon, looks set to turn the Apex Games on it’s head – literally. The full details are in our guide, but the good doctor seems to be prescribing anti-gravity as her medicine of choice.

Apex Legends Season 7 new map: Olympus

EA confirmed Apex Legends’ third map will take the legends – Horizon included – to Olympus, a city in the clouds above the planet Psamathe. This is most notably the city where Loba’s parents were murdered by Revenant, but also plays an important role in the backstories of Mirage and Lifeline – we just don’t know how yet.

The city floats above the planet’s surface, and EA’s announcement makes sure to tell us that “it’s a long way down to the planet below,” – sure enough, Olympus features several open pits with nothing but clouds beneath. In a preview session we attended, Respawn’s senior level designer Dave Osei told us that early playtests had players constantly falling off the map, so there are several subtle fences to help prevent your untimely demise.

The map is designed with lots of wide open spaces and short narrow chokepoints, and there will be new ways to traverse Olympus, thanks to Apex Legends’ first vehicle: the Trident. It’s a squad-based three-seat vehicle that can only be driven if all the passengers are on the same team – no taking enemies on unwanted adventures. It’s got a periodic boost with a long cooldown, and while it can’t be blown up from enemy fire, damage dealt to the Trident is equally distributed among its passengers, so you’re still somewhat vulnerable as you swoop through the map. To mitigate this, however, tactical abilities can be placed on top of the vehicle – Rampart’s turret, or Gibraltar’s dome, for example.

Apex Legends Season 7 Trailer

The Apex Legends Season 7 gameplay trailer is out, giving us a proper look at Horizon’s abilities – plus the verdant, artificial fields of the new map, Olympus. You can also see the Trident in action, racing over the manicured lawns.

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