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Upcoming League of Legends Zeri nerfs will “hit all builds”

Riot lead champion designer August has revealed some of the team's rational for nerfing popular League of Legends character Zeri in an upcoming patch

LoL Zeri nerf: League of Legends character Zeri crouches on the ground while emitting a yellow aura

An upcoming League of Legends Zeri nerf won’t just hit a few of the champion’s popular builds, but “all” of them. Anyone who has seen LoL patch 12.7 will know that Riot is currently tinkering with Zeri’s kit, though one of the MOBA’s lead champion designers has shed some light on the team’s goals with the rework.

“Zeri the carry is still very strong in pro play,” Riot August explains on Twitter. “The nerfs hit all builds but should hurt bruiser more than crit. We’re making the ultimate stack slower and more consistently, no more 2x-5x stacks when hitting a grouped up team, but you get double stacks on crit!”

The current nerfs to Zeri target her base stats alongside attacks like Burstfire, Ultrashock Laser, and Spark Surge. Her armour and attack damage are lower, though her health per level is up to 95 from 90. Zeri’s abilities have seen a few number tweaks, though her Q has seen some behaviour changes. Burstfire now only applies on-hits once per cast when it used to apply multiple on-hits if you hit several targets.

The League of Legends 2022 patch schedule shows that the next update will be out on April 13, so you can expect the nerfs to land then.

If you’re curious what the best League of Legends champions to play in each role are, you can follow that link.