Noctua has just dealt a devastating blow to fans of its world-class cooling products who also like the current trend for white gaming PCs. Having previously hinted it was developing a range of white PC case fans, it has now confirmed that development has stopped, putting an end to hopes of a perfect marriage of Noctua performance and sleek all white styling.
Noctua has long been famed for mostly selling its products in an eyebrow-raising color combination of brown and beige. However, thanks to the Austrian company’s engineering excellence that has seen its fans and coolers earn places on our best PC fan and best CPU cooler guides, its products have remained popular. Nonetheless, more recently the company has moved with the times, offering black variants of some products and revealing that white variants were in the works too.
It therefore comes as a surprise to find that when one Twitter/X user asked Noctua when its range of white fans might appear, Noctua replied saying that the development had been canceled and all R&D efforts were being put into creating a new and improved 140mm case fan. The company went on to say that it is currently “unclear if the project will be revived in the future or not.”
The white PC trend has been developing steadily over the last 5-10 years but has really exploded in popularity since the pandemic, with the likes of the white Hyte Y60 case leading the charge. A new wave of gaming PC users have been exposed to the clean aesthetic achievable with a white case and matching white fans, graphics card, motherboard, and more.
As well as being liked just for having a different, brighter style than the traditional black cases of old, white cases and components make the most of all the RGB lighting that has also been steadily added to PC products over the last 10+ years. White coatings by nature reflect more light, enhancing rather than dampening down all those LEDs.
You can click here to check out some stunning examples of white PCs or explore our current recommendations for the best PC fans you can currently buy, regardless of what color system you’re building. And if you need help in building your next PC, be sure to follow our guide on how to build a gaming PC.