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All 2XKO characters and movesets

Everything you need to know about the currently revealed 2XKO characters and their movesets in the League of Legends fighting game.

Which characters are in 2XKO? Unlike most fighters in the past year or so, predicting the final roster isn’t as straightforward with this League of Legends spinoff. After all, there are over 140 potential candidates, and that’s just the Champions that are in LoL. New faces previously unseen are already part of 2XKO’s final character list, so it’s anybody’s guess who we’ll see in this 2v2 fighter.

It may be quite some time before we see more on 2XKO, including which of the many, many Champions from the League of Legends series will make it to the fighting game spinoff. The 2XKO release date is quite far away, but that’s not stopping us from discussing the currently revealed 2XKO characters and movesets.

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2XKO character roster

The currently revealed 2XKO characters are:

  • Braum
  • Ahri
  • Darius
  • Ekko
  • Yasuo
  • Illaoi
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Currently standing as the largest character in the game, Braum wields a giant, unbreakable door as a shield to protect him and his teammates in battle. His assist attacks are protected, allowing him to take one hit of damage without breaking his stride. This forces his opponents to consider what attacks they throw out and when, one wrong move and Braum can easily interrupt a block string to turn the tide of battle.

Braum is the only character so far that can freeze other players using his shields, creating new combo opportunities for his team. His kit is focused around the ‘unbreakable’ mechanic, coating his shield in a layer of ice depending on which abilities he uses. When his shield is covered in ice, he’s able to absorb one attack while performing specific moves. Opponents can remove this effect by knocking Braum down, or by hitting him with a Heavy or Ultimate attack.

Project L characters: Ahri's full moveset inputs including unique movement, specials, and ultimates.


Ahri has access to an aerial dash that uses the same inputs as the regular dash, but while jumping. This is a unique movement option only available to the more nimble characters, and Ahri is one of them.

Her Special 1 is a Foxfire projectile, which she uses to extend combos or attack opponents from mid-range. She can hold up to three charges at a time. Ahri’s Foxfire is highly versatile as it can also be used as a bomb or fired as a barrage if she holds three charges at once. She will need to stand still to recharge, however, so ideally, your opponent is knocked down before doing so.

Spirit Flares is Ahri’s Special 2 button move with no additional inputs, but it becomes Spirit Rush if a direction is held while moving or jumping. This can then be canceled into a second Spirit Rush or into Foxfire attacks. She can combine this with her Air Dash to then get out of danger. Overhead Spike is another variant that requires her to be in the air or to be crouching before you press the Special 2 button.

Project L characters: Darius's full moveset inputs including specials and ultimates.


As the heavy hitter of the roster, Darius’s attacks can pull in an enemy from far away, and even inflict the Wounded status ailment on them. While Wounded, Darius can deal extra damage to the enemy with any attack while they’re blocking. To get rid of this effect, you need to hit either Darius or his teammate.

Darius also specializes in special moves that have a wide range and hit hard but are slow to start up. As such, you may be better off pairing him with a character that can easily start combos off with quicker jabs before swapping him in to do the bulk of the damage.

Project L characters: Ekko's full moveset inputs including unique movement, specials, and ultimates.


Ekko is another character with some unique movement tech. While it’s not as versatile as Ahri’s, the Air Hop is a forward dash that can close the distance with ease.

He’s also probably the simplest character to master, with only three special moves. His Special 1 is a regular projectile, but it does slow down enemies from mid-range and leave them vulnerable to being hit with an upcoming combo.

However, the complexity comes with his afterimages, left behind after using any of his Special 2 attacks. These allow him to rewind time, jumping back to that spot. Holding down Special 2 empowers his afterimages, giving a bit more versatility than the standard afterimages.

Project L characters: Yasuo's full moveset inputs including specials and ultimates.


Yasuo is a character with many follow-ups to his specials, most notably his Quickdraw Stance. He can also cancel into this stance from any of his special attacks, giving him options to end combos. These include a couple of mobility-based moves, allowing you to outfox your opponent.

His other moves are a little more conventional, either having one follow-up or none at all. That said, his Wind Wall attack can destroy a projectile that’s about to hit him, but if you hit the follow-up attack, he will fling it back at his opponent instead. This can be great for countering zoning strategies.

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Illaoi is a rush-down character at heart. She uses her golden totem to summon her Kraken friend, distracting the opponent with spirit tentacles as she closes in to continue the combo. Although they are vulnerable to enemies’ blows, she has plenty of ways to avoid taking damage. Special 2 summons these creatures, while Special 1 gives you control of when the tentacles attack.

Her Supers are also relatively hard-hitting. The first Super grabs her opponent and slams them into the ground repeatedly. Her second Super is probably the one that will get the most use, as she summons giant tentacles or converts existing tentacles to larger variants, which will be harder to avoid for her opponent. Her Ultimate is a great combo ender that’s also invincible on startup, making it a great reversal option. Any opponent hit will be sent directly to the Kraken Nagakabouros for huge damage.

2XKO character leaks

2XKO has been in development for quite a while now, and in that time we’ve seen pre-release footage with unreleased characters. A lot has changed in the time since we’ve seen these characters spotted, but anything can happen between now and launch. Here are the characters that appeared in 2XKO pre-release material but aren’t available right now:

  • Jinx
  • Katarina
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Fighting game terminology

2XKO is a traditional fighting game, featuring a lot of mechanics and systems used in the genre. Here’s a quick refresher on some of the more complicated terms:

  • Wavedash – this is a way of quickly moving toward an opponent by canceling dashing inputs.
  • Cross-up – while attacking in the air, a cross-up attack requires the enemy to block toward your current position as you’re attacking them from behind.
  • Retreating Guard – this input allows you to get some distance away from your opponent.
  • Pushblock – this input requires an ultimate meter bar and pushes the opponent away from you while blocking. It’s best used while in a corner.
  • Parry – inputting this or its low parry variant requires an ultimate meter bar. If timed successfully, your character will negate the attack, leaving the enemy somewhat vulnerable. You’re also refunded your meter bar if you successfully parry an attack.
  • Throw Escape – pressing the throw input while your opponent presses the throw input allows you to negate the attack.
  • Quick Rise/Back Roll – when you land prone on the ground after being hit, press the input to either instantly get up or roll backward.
  • Air Recovery – after being hit in the air, holding the direction/button will snap them out of the hit stun.
  • Tag Launcher – the tagged in ally character while the current character performs a launching attack, leaving the new character the chance to perform an aerial combo. This swaps playable characters.
  • Quick Tag – the tagged ally enters the fray if they’re off-screen.
  • Assist Action – this allows your ally to perform a special move depending on input. You can hold it down for a charged variant.
  • Handshake Tag – if your ally is on-screen, pressing this will tag them in instantly.
  • Last Stand – this only works if your first character is knocked out and your second character is below half health. This causes your fallen character to attack once more in the match.
  • Dynamic Save – if Dynamic Save meter is full, even if your ally is knocked out, they will instantly jump in and repel the enemy while they’re attacking. This will also tag your ally character into the fight unless they’re knocked out.
  • Fuse – chosen at the start of a match, this provides a unique effect that lasts the match:
    • 2X Assist – your partner can fire two assists back to back instead of one.
    • Double Down – combine your level 1 ultimate attack with your partner’s level 1 ultimate, then tag them in.
    • Fury – when your character is below 40% health, you get bonus damage, and a special dash cancel move.
    • Freestyle – handshake tag twice in one combo.

That’s everything about the currently revealed 2XKO characters, but there are plenty more guides here about League of Legends. Catch up on everything in the next LoL Season, as well as check out which LoL character skins are on sale. Finally, you can take a look at our LoL tier list for the best champions.