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Sons of the Forest can opener location

The Sons of the Forest can opener is, funnily enough, crucial for opening cans, a great food source in a pinch, so here’s where to find the household item.

Sons of the Forest can opener location: a corpse lies at a camp in Sons of the Forest, where you can find the can opener

The Sons of the Forest can opener can be used in game to access some, well, less-than-appetising food items in your inventory, but you can’t be fussy when you’re stranded on a cannibal-filled island – sometimes cat food is better than human flesh.

In order to open cans of food in Sons of the Forest, you’ll need to find the can opener location. It might not be one of the most essential items in the survival game, with the likes of the Sons of the Forest shovel and rope gun taking precedence, but since it’s not difficult to locate, we’d recommend going after it on your travels. After all, you’ll be furious when you’re stuck with a rumbly tummy and only tins of food you can’t open if you don’t. So, here’s where to go to find the Sons of the Forest can opener location – and how to use it.

Where to find Sons of the Forest can opener location

The Sons of the Forest can opener is located, like many of the horror game’s most important items, on the eastern side of the Sons of the Forest map. It isn’t marked though, so is one of the harder locations to find unless you’re lucky enough to stumble across it in the large open-world game.

Head to the location in the image above, which is next to a small body of water and close to a cave entrance and point of interest, both of which are marked on your GPS tracker. Here, you’ll find the small camp in which the Sons of the Forest can opener is found next to the corpse of an ill-fated camper. Conveniently, you can find a couple of cans of food here, too, as well as some golf balls and an interesting collectible.

Sons of the Forest can opener location: The image shows the players hands using the can opener to open a tin of food in the inventory screen

How to use the Sons of the Forest can opener

To use the can opener, you must combine it with a tin in your inventory. Fully open your inventory using the ‘I’ button – unless you’ve changed the keybind – and then right click on the can opener and a tin of food. Both items will then be placed in the crafting area in the centre of your mat. Press the cog icon to ‘combine’ the items, and you’ll be able to consume the tin’s contents. Don’t bother doing this until you actually need to eat it though, and keep the food fresh for as long as possible, since you can’t eat rotten grub.

Off to a solid start, Sons of the Forest could be one of the best PC games of the year, but don’t forget it’s in early access, so it isn’t without its problems. We discuss this, and what we love about it, in our Sons of the Forest review, but if you’ve already made your own mind up, then perhaps you still need some Sons of the Forest tips, or some advice on building in Endnight’s latest game.