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Which Return to Moria personality type to choose

As you create the Dwarf whose work boots you want to fill in Return to Moria, you’re tasked with selecting a personality for them, so here’s how to choose.

A red-headed Dwarf stands tall in the character customization menu of Return to Moria, where you can choose their personality.

What is the best Return to Moria personality trait? Right from the start of your journey, you’re given a massive range of character customization options for your Lord of the Rings Dwarf – right down to the metal color of your hair and beard gilts. Another option you must choose is which personality type you think you’d have as you’re mining away underground in the crafting RPG game.

As you’re creating your character, you might wonder which is the best personality type to choose and what it might affect in Lord of the Rings Return to Moria. We’ve spent a lot of time underground on our way to Moria, so we can tell you just that, as well as how to increase your Return to Moria inventory and even how to fix The Great Forge of Narvi – when you get there. Before that, here’s every Lord of the Rings Return to Moria personality trait and how to choose the best.

A bearded. dark-skinned Dwarf with purple tattoos stands with their fist to their chest as they are given the Focused Return to Moria personality type.

Which Return to Moria personality type is best?

Your personality doesn’t change your character’s stats or make any difference to gameplay, so you can choose whichever you want! The only change that your personality makes in-game is the emotes you can use, and you can even change your personality type at any time. These are the four personalities to choose from in Return to Moria:

  • Brash
  • Eager
  • Focused
  • Grim

The Eager personality is our favorite as this gives you four emotes that are basically just your character dancing or waving excitedly. Meanwhile, the Grim trait emotes can be used to dismiss friends or shake your head at them. Those that are Brash are quick to attention, and, finally, Focused Dwarves are hard workers who celebrate their wins or can take the knee to honor or obey comrades.

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How to change Return to Moria personality trait

You can change your Return to Moria personality at any time from the main character selection menu. From the launch menu, click ‘Play’, scroll to the character you wish to change, and click ‘Customize’. Here, you can change any of your character’s aesthetics at any point in your campaign.

Now, just have fun with those emotes whichever Return to Moria personality you choose. We think you should be able to use one of each, as there are times during multiplayer games when we can’t decide whether to shake our heads or applaud our friends. If you’re simply getting angry at yourself because you can’t work out the Return to Moria hotbar, then we’ve got you covered.