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Verdun’s celebrating Christmas with a truce between the trenches

verdun christmas football truce update

Lots of games are getting festive makeovers this year – Trove’s celebrating SnowfestWorld of Warplanes has giant snowmen, and Depth has added a prehistoric shark (that’s not for Christmas but I think everyone should know about the prehistoric shark). First World War shooter Verdun’s having a much more authentic Christmas makeover. They’re calling a truce over the trenches and letting players sing carols, throw snowballs, and play football with their enemy.

100 years ago unofficial truces were being called up and down the lines between Germans and French & British troops. Those forces came together into the No Man’s Land between the trenches and celebrated Christmas together.

Between the 18 and 25 December palyers logging into Verdun will be able to shake hands instead of shoot guns and play football instead of mowing each other down with machine guns.

The Christmas update also dresses the maps in snow and the soldiers in winter gear (except for the occasional Scot in a kilt).

The team’s also organising competitions for players to take part in on the run up to Christmas:

  • 19 December; a YouTube Christmas Truce video contest for the best video about this event

  • 20 December; a Steam Hub screenshot competition for the best in-game Christmas Truce screenshot

  • 21 December; a Twitch TV giveaway for the Verdun streamers

  • 22 December; a Twitter competition for the best WW1 Christmas carol text twittered @VerdunGame

  • 23 December; a Facebook Christmas Card contest for the most entertaining Verdun best wishes card Submissions will last until the 24th 10am Eastern time (GMT-5), winners will be announced on the 25th of December 2014.