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Warframe’s Fortuna open world will include sprawling bases to seamlessly raid

The Venusian open world that you’ll be able to surf across when the Fortuna expansion comes out later this year will be dotted with huge subterranean bases that you’ll be able to waltz into and raid, the development team revealed Friday.

The bases are scattered across the Orb Vallis, the new open world zone that’s going to be introduced with Fortuna. You’ll be able zip across the massive area on a Bondi K-drive hoverboard, and then seamlessly enter massive Corpus structures that are scattered around the area.

“It’s a complete revamp of the Corpus assets, the meshes and materials,” said Steve Sinclair, Warframe’s creative director, during the team’s regular devstream. “This is something we’re going to carry through to the rest of the game. We’re going to remaster the Corpus ships, which are some of the oldest art in the game.”

As he spoke, Warframe community director Rebecca Ford tested out one of the new bases, jumping off her K-drive and sprinting through an imposing, fog-enshrouded blast door. It opened into a reception area with a large statue and pool. Ford made her way deeper into the base, without ever having to stop for a loading screen.

You’ll be able to raid these bases at will, finding materials or hunting objectives while also learning more about Fortuna’s story – if you know what to look for. The team said the bases are full of environmental storytelling, and what they showed on stream hinted at some macabre implications for Fortuna’s lore.

Everything we know about Warframe’s Fortuna expansion can be found here. The free addition is expected out later this year – probably late fall, according to Digital Extremes.