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World of Warcraft reveals 10.1.7 release date, and it’s coming soon

Blizzard has just revealed that World of Warcraft's patch 10.1.7, dubbed Fury Incarnate, has a set release date and the new content is coming to WoW soon.

A red-haired woman stands beside a red dragon, holding a staff and wearing gold and red armor

World of Warcraft is unequivocally one of the most renowned and highly regarded MMORPGs available to play. Blizzard’s ever-expanding game regularly receives updates and additional content, attracting new players even now, almost two decades after World of Warcraft first launched. Dragonflight, the game’s most recent expansion, is due for another patch and players are wondering when it will drop. Thankfully patch 10.17, known also as Fury Incarnate, has just received a release date and it looks like we won’t be waiting long.

Many exciting features are coming with Fury Incarnate, including the WoW Night Elf Heritage Armor. Blizzard posted an outline of its plans for the patch earlier today, detailing the content coming as well as the date 10.1.7 arrives. From brand-new story quests to new customization options and armor quests, the hefty update packs an appealing amount of additional gameplay.

One of the new story quests mentioned by Blizzard is Reforging Tyr, while upcoming armor quests include the Night Elf and Forsake Heritage Armor. You can customize Draenei, Night Elves, or Forsaken characters with newly available options. The Dragonflight story continues with patch 10.17, Fury Incarnate, on Tuesday, September 5.

Tweet from World of Warcraft's official account discussing the patch release date

For players most excited for more gameplay-oriented features, you’ll get to take part in new public open-world events, Dreamsurges. These events rotate weekly throughout the four primary Dragon Isles zones. You can also play through the mega-dungeon Dawn of the Infinite in Heroic mode if you love punishing levels of difficulty. Dragonriding races are coming to Eastern Kingdoms in a new cup, too, with 14 different courses.

Blizzard has a lot more content planned for the future as well, teasing Season 3’s patch 10.2 in an official news post. An entirely new zone with its own story, a new raid, new open-world challenges, a new PvP season, and much more is coming with the later update. For now, though, you’ll get to experience what Fury Incarnate offers.

If you love World of Warcraft but need some other fun things to play through before the update this fall, be sure to check out a few of these other great RPG games. Alternatively, check out our WoW Dragonflight tier list to better prepare yourself for both PvE and PvP content in-game if you’ve been looking for a bit of help.