Dragon’s Dogma 2 is the long-awaited sequel to Capcom’s original entry into the series, Dragon’s Dogma. Released way back in May 2012 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 console generation, the game gradually grew a cult-like following, boosting its sales over time and eventually proving to Capcom that it had its next big franchise hit on their hands. With the sequel still weeks out from its official release, the game is already showing up in the top Steam sales charts despite it not even being playable for quite some time.
The hype for Dragon’s Dogma 2‘s release is quite palpable. The RPG game’s release date was unveiled by Capcom back in November 2023, and since then, fans have had a healthy stream of content announcements along the road to launch day.
The company has revealed impressive gameplay trailers and details in the lead-up to the Dragon’s Dogma 2 release date. Over the last few weeks, Capcom has released gameplay information and trailers for each of its unique vocations.
Taking a peek at the Steam charts quantifies for us just how excited players are for this game. Although the game is three weeks away from release, Dragon’s Dogma 2 is already somehow in the top sellers list. As of writing, the game sits at ninth despite not even being released yet.
This is certainly a very impressive feat. Sure, there are many popular games that reach this height when they have hit early access and players can try them out for the very first time. However, there aren’t many games that are so anticipated that players plop down their hard-earned cash nearly an entire month in advance.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is already outpacing other mega-popular games (that you can actually play right now) including Palworld, Enshrouded, and Call of Duty. As we draw closer to release, its entirely possible Dragon’s Dogma 2 ends up at the top of the Steam top seller list at number one, and doesn’t let go of the throne for quite some time.
As we await its arrival, make sure you’re up to speed with the Dragon’s Dogma 2 system requirements, and get ahead of the game by studying all Dragon’s Dogma 2 vocations so you’re best equipped to lead the pack.
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