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Underwhelming Fallout 4 next gen update finally getting fixed

A Fallout 4 next gen fix is on the way from Bethesda, after the update broke mods and brought a number of new glitches into the game.

Fallout 4 next gen fix: a close up of a confused man with a hat on

The Fallout 4 next gen update was a disaster. We knew it was likely to break mods upon release, but a spate of other issues immediately cropped up on all platforms, not just PC. While Fallout 4 enjoyed its best player count in years thanks to the success of the show, we were all met with a mess of a patch that Bethesda has finally promised to fix, and we don’t have to wait long.

If you’ve been waiting on the inevitable Fallout 4 next gen fix, Bethesda has dropped a short and sweet update on what we can expect, and when we can expect it. The RPG shouldn’t be broken for too much longer, thankfully.

“On Monday May 13 we will be updating Fallout 4 on all platforms,” Bethesda writes. “This update will include new options for graphics and performance settings as well as further fixes and improvements. Thanks for your continued feedback and support!”

Fallout 4 next gen fix: a tweet from Bethesda promising a Fallout 4 next gen fix

This patch arrives after weeks of the Fallout 4 next gen update breaking the game in myriad ways. Mods don’t always work properly, the ultrawide support stretches the UI, there are few graphical changes, Steam Deck support is broken, and the whole thing adds another 14 GB to the game on your hard drive.

That’s not all though, as the highly anticipated Fallout London mod was forced into a delay by the update, as it was originally set to debut mere days before Bethesda’s changes. Bethesda weren’t required to contact the Fallout London team, of course, but the modders had their release date locked in for months only for Bethesda to announce the next gen update was coming out days later.

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Here’s hoping that this update fixes a lot of the issues the next gen patch inadvertently brought about, and the new graphics options should offer up more modern ways to play when the Fallout 4 next gen fix arrives on Monday May 13.

If you’re one of many revisiting The Commonwealth you can further revitalize your experience with some of the best Fallout 4 mods, alongside the Fallout 4 console commands you need to know as well.

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