Ever since Microsoft Flight Simulator launched in August, modders have got creative with the simulation game. Some make the game’s world more realistic by fixing various glitches – such as Buckingham Palace looking like a ’90s block of flats – whereas others add fun references to pop culture that were never there. The most recent Microsoft Flight Simulator mod we have come across is the latter, and adds a giant Gundam to the game that you can go and visit.
Once you’ve installed the mod, you’ll find the giant lad over in Yokohama, Japan, where the Gundam Factory is. As modder Jlawrence124 points out, though, the factory isn’t officially there, so if you want to find it you can spawn in on the Yokohama Landmark Tower, and you should see it directly to the south-east. It’s a chonking giant Gundam. You can’t miss it.
“Japanese engineers have recently constructed a one-to-one scale, moving Gundam at the Gundam Factory in Yokohama,” the modder says. “Because the mapping data was outdated, the factory in its current state does not exist, but I just placed the model in the parking lot. I made the scale of the statue larger because why not?”
If you’d like to download it yourself then head on over to NexusMods. There are instructions on how to do just that there, too. The modder also mentions that they were inspired by a recent Microsoft Flight Simulator Godzilla mod we covered. It is also excellent, do check it out.
If you’re on the fence about the flight game, our Microsoft Flight Simulator review may give you the steer you need.