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Payday 3 error codes

We have every Payday 3 code here so you can see if your struggles of getting into a game are server-wide or have something to do with your setup.

Payday 3 error codes: a man looking at his pc with anger in his eyes.

What are the Payday 3 error codes? No matter how prepared you are, no matter how kitted out your crew may be, you can’t really account for the servers being down, can you? Not even Danny Ocean could have planned for a long matchmaking wait time, but hopefully, you’ll be a little wiser with this list now that you know what you’re up against.

Our Payday 3 review talks about how exciting the FPS game is, with excellent gunplay, thought-provoking map design, and some very cool masks. This is all well and good, but if you can’t get into a match, then it’s all a bit moot, isn’t it? Here is every Payday 3 error code we have encountered so far.

Payday 3 error codes: a group of bank thieves firing their weapons.

Payday 3 error code list

Here are all of the Payday 3 errors:

  • Can’t login
  • Failed to fetch game config data
  • Internal server error
  • Nebula data error
  • Nebula server status

If you haven’t received an error message but you’re still having problems, chances are your game is going to be stuck on a loading screen regardless of which Payday 3 heist you pick. No matter what lobby type or difficulty you select, after pressing the ‘Matchmake’ button, you won’t be able to get past the initial heist screen with the ‘Cancel Matchmaking’ screen. Yes, this even happens if you choose to play privately which is why you cannot play Payday 3 solo.

Nearly all of these rather vague errors are server-based, most likely caused by the sudden influx of players after launch. While a lot of them will resolve over time as the load normalizes, it’s always worth checking your own internet connection and the Payday 3 system requirements to ensure the issue isn’t on your end. We highly recommend checking out our Payday 3 server status guide to find out directly from the developers when the game should be playable.

With any luck, you won’t encounter too many of these Payday 3 errors, but if you do, sit tight, find a comfy spot, and wait for it to all blow over. If you’re unable to access a match in Payday 3, check out the best co-op games and the best crime game for something to play in the meantime. If you do get into a game, make sure you look up the best Payday 3 weapons so you’re the best homicidal thief you can be.