Rainbow Six Quarantine is a co-op focused take on FPS games inspired by Rainbow Six Siege’s Outbreak mode. It was announced and named well before the world entered into a global pandemic where we all got asked to actually quarantine, and while Ubisoft is no stranger to making questionable use of real-world fears for its game settings, it does look likely that the game’s name will change. Specifically, to ‘Rainbow Six Parasite’.
A number of key art images with the Rainbow Six Parasite logo have shown up buried on the PlayStation Network, as the folks at MP1st have discovered. The image shows Ela (previously confirmed as part of the game’s cast) stuck in some black goop. ‘Parasite’ certainly dodges the COVID-19 connotations, so here’s hoping that there’s no sudden global disasters in the near future that’ll render the thought of parasites uncomfortable, too.
Ubisoft revealed in its most recent financial earnings report that it was “evaluating” a name change for Rainbow Six Quarantine. We’ve reached out to the company for further details, and will update when we learn more.
This has been one of those Ubisoft games that just keeps getting delayed, but this leak appears to have come about because of an update for the title on the PlayStation back-end. This is pure speculation, but that may mean a beta or something similar is due to launch soon.
Ubisoft does have an event coming soon where we’re expecting to see the Rainbow Six Siege Year 6 Season 1 reveal, and it would be a terrific setting for further details on Parasite (or Quarantine), as well.