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All Starfield creatures - monster and fauna list

There’s a range of Starfield creatures across the universe just begging to be researched, but you’re going to have to travel the galaxy to find them all.

What are the Starfield creatures? One of the more terrifying prospects of landing on a Starfield planet is the fear of running into the unknown. We can handle space pirates and mercenaries just fine, but the idea of being tracked down by a bloodthirsty beast roaming on a desolate planet sounds like a nightmare.

From the gameplay we’ve seen so far, many of the creatures in Starfield appear peaceful. If you aren’t actively provoking them, they should leave you alone. With the right set of Starfield skills, you can use any lurking creatures to attack hostile enemies, allowing you to avoid any combat. . Here’s everything we know about the Starfield creatures right now, including where you can find them and what you can do with them.

All Starfield creatures list

Bethesda has been clear about how the planets are procedurally generated, but it appears the Starfrield creatures have been handcrafted specifically for their unique environments. Judging by the gameplay we’ve seen so far, we haven’t spotted any of the creatures on multiple planets. This means if you’re specifically trying to track down one of these creatures, all you need to do is find their home planet, and the creature should be there.

Here’s every Starfield creature we’ve seen so far listed by planet:

  • Alpha Andraste II
    • Siren
    • Twintail
  •  Akila
    • Ashta
    • Ensifer
    • Elk Crangon
    • Mossgnath
  • Bardeen III
    • Spiderwasp
  • Bohr II
    • Twistfin
  • Cassiopeia I
    • Coralbug
  • Charybdis III
    • Maggotmaw
  • Fermi III
    • Swarming Cockroach
  • Gagarin
    • Flocking Shardhopper Geophage
  • Groombridge VIII-a
    • Shroomhead
  • Jemison
    • Carasnail Scavenger
    • Pack Coralbug
    • Herding Cutterhead Herbivore
    • Apex Parrothawk
    • Flocking Seabat Geophage
    • Hunting Tuskfrog
  • Kreet
    • Kreet Stalker
  • Lantana III
    • Metropus
  • Moloch I
    • Hexapod
  • Nesoi
    • Swarming Twistfin
    • Flocking Vuvuzelisk Grazer
  • Serpentis II
    • Herding Blistercrab Filterer
  • Serpentis III
    • Hunting Bonefrill
    • Flocking Blistercrab Herbivore
    • Brainsprout
    • Scorpion
  • Suvorov
    • Clawback
    • Grylloba
  • Tidacha I
    • Crab
    • Lockjaw
    • Mothwing
    • Sailgator
    • Dragon
  • Verne II
    • Thornmantis

Kreet Stalker (Kreet)

A human-sized spikey multi-legged bug. The first time we see this creature in-game, it appears to greet us with an aggressive stance before it ignores us entirely and heads off in a different direction. These creatures appear to travel in packs, with three additional Kreet Stalkers appearing behind the first one we encounter. This creature definitely will attack if provoked.

Siren (Alpha Andraste II)

The Siren or Alpha Andraste II appears to hunt in packs, attacking enemies with its large mouth. These creatures look a lot like large black dogs, sporting strong bodies and blood-red crown-like helmets. You can run into diseased Sirens which likely deal a different type of damage in combat.

Metropus Floater (Lantana III)

The Metropus Floater found on Lantana III can be found floating in the sky, sometimes in packs of two. Its red bug-like body is suspended in the air thanks to its blue brain-sack that allows the creature to hover.

Angler Hexapod (Moloch I)

This spider-like creature is located on Moloch I, and it looks like it can pack a punch in its attacks. The Angler Hexapod stands on six legs – when it launches an attack, it raises its two legs to the sky before smashing them down on its enemy. It has a large head that looks like bone in the middle of its body.

Hunting Thornmantis (Verne II)

The Hunting Thornmantis on Verne II looks like one of the most deadly Starfield creatures in the game. This creature looks like a praying mantis insect, except it’s three times the size of a human with bone-sharp limbs. You can use a mind control ability to convince the Hunting Thornmantis to do your bidding using the Xenosociology skill.

Twintail Herbivore (Alpha Andraste III)

Located on Alpha Andraste III, the Twintail Herbivore is a two-legged creature that is roughly three times bigger than most humans. This creature is incredibly symmetrical, featuring two axe-like objects sticking out of its chest. Being tackled by this creature is likely to deal serious damage, but you can use your boost jets to avoid any ground attacks from the Twintail Herbivore.

Herding Crab Herbivore (Tidacha I)

The Herding Crab Herbivore can be spotted roaming the grass on Tidacha I. This red crustacean is much bigger than the ones we’ve ever seen on Earth. Fortunately, these enemies will not attack unless provoked.


These huge, dinosaur-like creatures aren’t aggressive and will roam around the player without causing harm, which is awesome since they’re a pretty spectacular sight to behold. We’re not sure if you can find these creatures on multiple planets, but we do know they can be found on Akila.

Unnamed Giraffe Chicken

We haven’t found this creature in the game yet, but we loved it from the moment it appeared in pre-launch gameplay footage. This creature resembles a giraffe mixed with certain aspects of a chicken, including its white and red color scheme. The giraffe features large red combs on its head, body, and back, and its body appears to be covered in many scales. The unnamed Giraffe Chicken appears to be docile, so try not to anger it as it should leave you alone.

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Starfield creature scanning

When near any of the creatures above, you can scan them, just like resources or flora. Scanning different appearances of the same breed of creature gradually increases your research progress, revealing more information about the species as you go.

Starfield creature naming

Some of the creature names we’ve listed above include an adjective and noun to further describe the creature’s behavior. Sometimes, you can an idea of the creature’s habits before fully scanning them.

The reason we’ve left these names in is that they can even indicate a different appearance in the different creatures across planets – perhaps a result of evolving to their surroundings. An example of this is the Blistercrab. The Herding Blistercrab Filterer on Serpentis II, for example, looks and acts entirely differently to the Flocking Blistercrab Herbivore on the neighboring planet Serpentis III.

Starfield creatures locations

Unfortunately, there aren’t Starfield creatures on all 1,000+ planets in the space game. Speaking with Kinda Funny’s Xcast, Starfield’s game director Todd Howard confirmed how often you’ll interact with creatures. “Like science, about 10% of those planets have life on them. We’re pushing it to the edge of what people think is in that Goldilocks Zone versus what planets have resources.”

In the same podcast, Howard highlighted an issue the developers ran into regarding aggressive creatures on planets. “You can get on a planet where the creatures there, some of them can be aggressive, and it can get dangerous if you’re exploring the planet. We’ve had a problem at times where the predator creatures can kill all of the peaceful creatures. When you ask yourself why all the creatures are dead, you realize something more dangerous in the area.” This aligns well with what we’ve seen from the Fallout series, where a stray Deathclaw can decimate everything in its path.

That’s everything you need to know about Starfield creatures. Some of the creatures we’ve seen in the RPG game are genuinely frightening, so you should know about all of the Starfield guns just in case you need to take any of these monsters down.

Still looking for more? While a good Starfield wiki can be a handy source of information, our new Starfield Database goes further, offering you daily news, searchable databanks, and even interactive tools.