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Starfield wants your questions as Bethesda RPG may head to Game Awards

Starfield wants your questions as the Bethesda RPG game potentially heads to The Game Awards, with Fallout and Elder Scrolls fans invited to post their queries

Starfield wants your questions as Bethesda RPG may head to Game Awards: Todd Howard, game director on Starfield, Fallout, and Elder Scrolls, answers questions

Starfield developer Bethesda is asking for questions and queries from the RPG game community as the upcoming sandbox from the Fallout and Elder Scrolls creator potentially heads to the Game Awards with – we’re hoping, dreaming – maybe a new Starfield gameplay trailer and news on the Starfield release date.

Over on Bethesda’s official Discord, ‘Jurassica’, a Bethesda employee and one of the channel’s admins, recently posted an update encouraging questions from the public and discussing preparations for the “next instalment” from the developer.

“Thank you so much for keeping questions coming,” Jurassica writes. “Over the next few days, we’d like to try playing around with this channel to see if we can better consolidate your questions. We received enough quest questions for the next instalment, but in the meantime, this will be a general questions spot until we experiment with some other Discord features”.

Members of the Bethesda and Starfield Discord channels have responded, querying almost everything about the upcoming RPG from the nature of the mysterious artefact unveiled in the original gameplay trailer, to the possibility of adding more blood effects compared to the combat that has been shown off in Starfield so far.

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These questions may form the basis for the next Constellation Questions video, wherein Bethesda developers directly respond to queries from fans – the last Constellation video was shared in October, and since we recently passed Starfield’s original release date of November 11, it may be time for an update from the development team.

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Alternatively, Bethesda may be seeking feedback in order to shape and inform a new reveal at the upcoming Game Awards on December 8, asking players what they want to know and want to see ahead of fresh details or, if the stars align right (and we’re desperately hoping they will) a new gameplay trailer. Either way, we can potentially expect some more Starfield information soon.

In the meantime, make sure you’re up to speed on everything we already know about Starfield cities. And keep in mind that Constellation is just one of many Starfield factions, and the game seems to offer plenty of different routes for your journey through the galaxy. Get your character prepared with the best Starfield traits before you set out.