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Starfield skills get much better thanks to a big new rework

Starfield Pilgrimage is a complete skill overhaul mod for Bethesda’s space RPG that reworks and rebalances its abilities for greater impact.

Starfield Pilgrimage skill overhaul mod - An astronaut with shoulder-length orange hair and a purple neck tattoo wearing white clothing in a room full of computer monitors.

Picking the right Starfield skills is always going to be front and center of the latest Bethesda RPG game, and they’ve just been given a significant rework to make them feel more interesting and worthwhile. If you’ve found Bethesda’s space skill trees a little underwhelming next to those of Skyrim and Fallout, this new Starfield mod is about to completely rejuvenate your enthusiasm for leveling up.

Finding the best Starfield skills for your character is a huge part of determining what you want them to be – in many ways the purest essence of any good RPG game. Yet I found myself floundering somewhat even early on to decide what to pick. Some skills feel near-essential for simply unlocking basic game functionality, while others seem like such minor upgrades it’s tough to get excited about them. Fortunately, that’s all changed now thanks to Starfield Pilgrimage, a worthy addition to the best Starfield mods.

The Starfield Pilgrimage skill overhaul mod comes from the ‘DragonField team’ led by ‘VollmetalDragon,’ who says, “The main goal of this mod is to improve consistency of skills and make each skill mean more to the player.” Having your choices feel impactful is a huge and immediate improvement to the entire Starfield experience – not only can you tell the difference with each and every new upgrade, but it also makes you excited to hit that next level up and plan out your build, something I certainly felt was lacking in the base game.

Starfield Pilgrimage skills mod - A player sneaking up in a vent, looking down at a guard below.

While the majority of this amounts to clever rebalancing and reworks to create bonuses that are interesting and significant without veering into overpowered territory, there are some very welcome quality-of-life changes. No longer are surveying skills required to use your scanner effectively; you’ll get all zoom levels and a 150m range right from the get-go, making exploring vastly more fun without having to plug an initial four points into an otherwise useless skill.

Likewise, items that feel like they should be available by default in a space game such as boost packs, ship targeting, and thrusters now are, and their related skills instead make you better at using them effectively. Similarly, crafting skills now unlock all research for that type, meaning you don’t have to invest four skill points to craft everything from a particular field of study.

Elsewhere, most of the other skills have been rebalanced or in some cases combined, which should help make all your options feel equally tempting rather than a few standing out as clear winners. While some of these are simple number tweaks, others make more interesting changes, such as combat skills that offer bonuses such as faster reloads after kills or a chance to knock down opponents, rather than pure damage buffs.

All these changes combine to create something that feels much more immediately satisfying. No longer does trying to decide where to plonk my next skill point feel like a chore; rather, an exciting opportunity to earn myself a tangible boost. If that sounds good to you, you can head here to get the Starfield Pilgrimage mod, where you’ll also find a full list of the skills and installation instructions.

Starfield Pilgrimage skills mod - A red-haired person with a neck tattoo sits in a white interview room, wearing company overalls.

With all these new bonuses at hand, we’re sure you’ll be itching to know what the best Starfield weapons are to make use of them, along with the best Starfield ships now that you can truly become the pilot you’ve always dreamed of being.

Still looking for more? While a good Starfield wiki can be a handy source of information, our new Starfield Database goes further, offering you daily news, searchable databanks, and even interactive tools.

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