Tales from the Borderlands 2 was announced today, with very little in the way of detail. We don’t even know if it’s going to be called TFTB2 – just that it’s going to be a new Tales from the Borderlands game. Three more facts: It’s been developed internally at Gearbox for several years, it’s going to be released in 2022, and we’re getting more details on what to expect this summer.
Announced on-stage at Gearbox’s PAX East 2022 panel, studio boss Randy Pitchford described it as a game “in that style of interactive fiction” that will feature “all-new characters and all-new stories”. That emphasis on “new” also pops up in the official tweets on the announcement, so there’s no clear indication of whether any of the original cast will return for this new game.
The original Tales from the Borderlands was developed by Telltale Games, which doesn’t really exist anymore – at least, not in its original form. Holding company LCG Entertainment picked up the rights to the Telltale name back in 2019, and is current working on a series based on The Expanse, as well as The Wolf Among Us 2 with some developers from the original Telltale.
Expect to have a whole lot of details on the sequel filled in sometime this summer.
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