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How to upgrade the Diablo 4 healing potion

Learn how to increase the Diablo 4 healing potion potency by gathering the following herbs and visiting the alchemist in any major city in the game.

Diablo 4 healing potions - the Druid is taking a swig of a drink.

Want to know how to upgrade your Diablo 4 healing potion? Chances are that you will take some hits as you’re butchering the demons of hell with your axe or obliterating them with magic. As veterans of the series will find all too familiar, this can bring on quite the thirst, so you’ll be chugging your healing potions to stave off a horrible case of death.

But while the healing potion is a universal item in Diablo 4, it is a little weaker initially. Thankfully, with the help of valuable herbs growing throughout Sanctuary and an Alchemist’s pot, you can increase how much it heals you per use, no matter which one of the five Diablo 4 classes you are fighting demons as. Now that the Diablo 4 release date is here, you may wish to familiarise yourself with the ingredients you need to upgrade the Diablo 4 healing potion.

The player is at the alchemist to pay for the Diablo 4 healing potion upgrade.

Diablo 4 healing potion upgrade recipes

To upgrade a Diablo 4 healing potion, you must first hit the minimum level requirement. You also need to spend gold and turn in herbs at the Alchemist in the main hub area to learn each potion, but once you do, it will permanently increase your healing potion’s effectiveness. To increase the number of healing potion charges you can carry at once, earn Renown in each region in Sanctuary.

Here are all of the Diablo 4 healing potions and their requirements:

Potion name Description Level requirement Ingredients
Weak Healing potion Heals 17 life instantly and 35% of your maximum health over three seconds. 0 N/A
Tiny Healing potion Heals 48 life instantly and 35% of your maximum health over three seconds. 10 Gallowvine x2
Minor Healing potion Heals 80 life instantly and 35% of your maximum health over three seconds. 20 Gallowvine x15
Biteberry x5
Gold x400
Light Healing potion Heals 141 life instantly and 35% of your maximum health over three seconds. 30 Gallowvine x20
Biteberry x10
Crushed Beast Bones x5
Gold x470
Moderate Healing potion Heals 255 life instantly and 35% of your maximum health over three seconds. 45 Gallowvine x20
Howler Moss x12
Demon’s Heart x5
Gold x900
Strong Healing potion Heals 378 life instantly and 35% of your maximum health over three seconds. 60 Gallowvine x27
Reddamine x15
Paletongue x5
Gold x1,700
Greater Healing potion Heals 559 life instantly and 35% of your maximum health over three seconds. 70 Blightshade x36
Lifesbane x18
Grave Dust x5
Angelbreath x5
Gold x2,500
Major Healing potion Heals 827 life instantly and 35% of your maximum health over three seconds. 80 Angelbreath x10
Reddamine x27
Biteberry x27
Blightshade x27
Lifesbane x27
Howler Moss x27
Fiend Rose x5
Gold x5,000
Superior Healing potion Heals 1,274 life instantly and 35% of your maximum health over three seconds. 90 Forgotten Soul x10
Angelbreath x20
Fiend Rose x10
Grave Dust x20
Blightshade x36
Demon’s Heart x20
Howler Moss x36
Gold x12,500

That is how to upgrade Diablo 4 healing potions, but you’ll also want to earn as much Diablo 4 renown as possible, as this increases the number of healing potions you can carry at once. For all other things alchemy in the RPG game, you can also check out the alchemist’s elixir recipes and which materials you can refine.