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Diablo 4 update sneaks in quiet Sorcerer and Necromancer buffs

Diablo 4 update 1.1.2 is out now, and players have spotted that a small but significant change to one of the patch notes is a huge Sorcerer and Necromancer buff

Diablo 4 update buffs Sorcerer and Necromancer Malignant Hearts - a Necro with a skeletal armor set.

The latest Diablo 4 update has delivered surprise Sorcerer and Necromancer buffs, after one of the recent Diablo 4 patch notes received a subtle but significant change from Blizzard. This change could have some big ramifications on the best Diablo 4 builds in the RPG game, making two of its best item drops a lot more powerful in line with initial expectations, rather than the slightly disappointing reality that they offered previously.

Diablo 4 patch notes 1.1.2 were initially published on Friday, August 11, as part of Blizzard’s continued push for more up-front communication. The team, as usual, stated that these patch notes were not final and could be adjusted for the final version, which appears to have happened prior to the update’s release on Tuesday, August 15.

So what’s changed? Previously, the patch was set to change the in-game descriptions for two of the best Diablo 4 Malignant Hearts in the game’s first season. While the text on both promised a multiplicative bonus, they instead delivered an additive bonus (a much less significant benefit to the class). However, rather than adjusting the descriptions as promised, Blizzard has now changed the items themselves so they match their original promises.

The previous patch note read, “The tooltips for the Caged Heart of Tal’Rasha and Caged Heart of the Great Feast now correctly state that their bonuses are additive instead of multiplicative.” Now, instead, it reads, “The Caged Heart of Tal’Rasha and Caged Heart of the Great Feast now match their tooltip and are correctly calculated as multiplicative instead of additive.”

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That’s a huge benefit – as a simple example, if you previously had other multipliers adding up to 300% bonus damage and then added an 80% increased bonus, you’d now have a total of 380% bonus damage. With the new multiplicative boosts, that 80% will multiply your 300% bonus damage, turning it instead into a whopping 540% bonus damage.

All this should add up to the big Diablo 4 patch 1.1.1 buffs to ensure that both Sorcerer and Necromancer can realistically compete among the best Diablo 4 classes in the game.

With recent changes to dungeon resetting also part of the 1.1.2 update, you’ll want to check in with the best Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons to see which offer you the biggest rewards, and pick out the best Diablo 4 endgame build to help you smash through them at pace.