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Final Fantasy 7 Remake delayed - but not by long

Sqaure Enix announces fans will have to wait a little longer to jump into the FF7 remake

It looks like fans excited to play the upcoming Final Fantasy 7 Remake will have to wait a while longer to jump into the nostalgia-filled adventure – it’s been delayed. While developer Square Enix hasn’t confirmed there will be a FF7 PC port, it has revealed that the game’s PlayStation 4 release date (March 3) has now been pushed back to April 10.

Announced in a dev team message on Square Enix’s site, the delay has been decided on to give the devs more time to add some extra “polish” to the game. A statement from the game’s producer Yoshinori Kitase reads: “In order to ensure we deliver a game that is in-line with our vision, and the quality that our fans who have been waiting for deserve, we have decided to move the release date to April 10, 2020.”

The devs “are making this tough decision in order to give ourselves a few extra weeks to apply final polish to the game and to deliver you with the best possible experience”, it continues, with Kitase offering an apology on behalf of the FF7 Remake team to players as it means they’ll have to wait a little while longer to play it.

The statement only mentions the PlayStation 4 release date so we still don’t know if a PC release is on the cards. Square Enix said last year it didn’t have plans for a FF7 Remake release on other platforms, however there have been signs giving PC players hope a port to our home platform might one day materialise.

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A little while back, there was FF7 Remake box art saying “Play first on PS4”, indicating it was a timed rather than full exclusive, with the window for this ending March 3, 2021. Recently, there was also demo code suggesting a FF7 Remake PC port was possible.

Given that a Death Stranding PC release date has been announced, and will be heading to both Steam and the Epic Games Store, perhaps it’s not too much to hope that a Final Fantasy 7 Remake PC release could one day appear.

Finally, Square Enix also announced a delay to Marvel’s Avengers. The superhero game will now launch on September 4.