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Topic of the Week: What will be the best game of 2016?

Topic of the Week: Best games 2016

Almost nine months of 2016 have slunk into the abyss, never to be seen again. Games were released in them, many games, and there are one or two still to come – either heavily exciting or massively sigh-inducing, depending mainly on how you feel about FPS games. But which, we wonder, will be the best?

Here’s what we’ve thought of 2016 for PC games so far.

You don’t have to pick a game that is out, of course, if you want to plant your flag on future options. Infinite Warfare, Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2, the rest of Hitman, Dishonored 2 – much choice yet to come. However, here’s what we’ve rated highest so far, as the competition:

Great good god almighty, that’s some videogames. Predict the future or cast your judgement below.