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League of Legends patch 11.10 notes - Arcana skins, jungle changes, Kog’Maw update

League of Legends' 11.10 update brings a dazzling new set of mystical Arcana champion skins

May 12, 2021 – 11.10 is headed to live! Check out our League of Legends patch 11.11 notes to see what’s coming next.

Another Wednesday, another League of Legends patch full of new champion skins, balance changes, and other goodies for Riot Games’ flagship MOBA game. League of Legends patch 11.9 has rolled out to live, ushering in those new DWG and Conqueror skins and a whole bunch of champion changes – so, now it’s time to see what’s headed League’s way with update 11.10.

First up, we’ve got some new Arcana skins on the way this patch, which you might have seen a glimpse of on League’s social media channels. Four lucky champs are getting Arcana styles for 11.10 – Camille, Lucian, Tahm Kench, and Xerath – so good news if you’re a main for any of these. They’re pretty striking, with rich gold, red, and gold tones across the board, and a mystical aesthetic that gives the champions a whole new vibe. You can check these out in the champion skins section in the notes below.

As for balance changes, there are now tweaks for champions like Bard, Darius, Galio, Jinx, Kennen, Lux, Kayle, Yuumi, Tal- well, a whole bunch – on the testing grounds. But, we may see these change, and perhaps even more arrive, while this patch’s testing is up, so keep checking back on these notes.

We’ve also got some updates for “a handful of champions” this patch, giving their animations a dash of new tech, which you can see in the miscellaneous section below, as well as an update for “everyone’s favourite void puppy, Kog’Maw” coming up in 11.10. You can also find out about this in the relevant section below.

Now, without further ado, here are the tentative League of Legends patch 11.10 notes based on what’s up for testing on the PBE right now (cheers, Surrenderat20!):


According to the League of Legends 2021 patch schedule, League of Legends patch 11.10 is due to go live on Wednesday, May 12, 2021. Maintenance times haven’t yet been confirmed, but usually begin at 3am PT for NA servers, 5am UK time for EUW servers, and 3am CET for EUNE servers, and last for approximately three hours. We’ll post the exact times here when Riot confirms them closer to launch.


Champion Changes

Bard – nerfed

Traveler’s Call (Passive):
Damage dealt by ability decreased to [30 (plus 12 per 5 Chimes collected)] from [40 (plus 12 per 5 Chimes collected)]

Darius – nerfed

Apprehend (E):
Ability cooldown increased to 26/24/22/20/18 from 24/21/18/15/12

Galio – changed

Shield of Durand (W):
Ability cooldown changed to a flat 18 seconds from [18/17.5/17/16.5/16 seconds] Shield health ratio decreased to [8/9.75/11.5/13.25/15% maximum] health from [8/11/14/17/20% maximum health]

Jinx – nerfed

Base armour decreased to 26 from 28
Super Mega Death Rocket! (R):
Missing Health damage against epic monsters can now not exceed 800

Katarina – nerfed

Base Move Speed decreased to 335 from 340

Kayle – buffed

Divine Ascent (Passive):
At Level 11, Kayle’s damaged ratio while Exalted has increased to 25% from 20%
At Level 16, Kayle’s attack range increase on being permanently Exalted has increased to 100 from 50

Kennen – buffed

Electrical Surge (W):
Magic damage dealt by every fifth attack increased to [20/30/40/50/60 (+25% AP)] from [10/20/30/40/50 (+20% AP)]

Lux – buffed

Lucent Singularity (E):
Damage dealt increased to [60/110/160/210/260 (+65% AP)] from [60/105/150/195/240 (+60% AP)]

Talon – nerfed

Noxian Diplomacy (Q):
Bonus Attack Damage ratio decreased to 100% from 110%

Thresh – changed

Base HP decreased to 530 from 561
HP per Thresh’s level increased to 95 from 93

Yuumi – buffed

Prowling Projectile (Q):
Base damage dealt by Yuumi increased to [50/80/110/140/170/200] from [40/70/100/130/160/190]
Base amount of empowered damage dealt by Yuumi increased to 60/100/140/180/220/260 from 45/85/125/165/205/245

Zyra – buffed

Rampant Growth (W):
Ability cooldown decreased to 18/16/14/12/10 from 20/18/16/14/12
Grasping Roots (E):
Slow attacks from Vine Lashers increased to 30% from 25%

Here’s a patch preview from Riot giving us an idea of which champions, items, and runes are in for changes this round:

Item Changes

Abyssal Mask

Health increased to 400 from 350
Unmake – increased damage dealt by immobilising a champ increased to 15% from 10%
Unmake – duration of this effect increased to 5 seconds from 4 seconds

Guinsoo’s Rageblade

Overall cost decreased to 2600 from 2800 Item’s combine cost decreased to 900 from 1100


Attack Damage dealt on missing health decreased to [0-10%] from [0-15%]
Item’s healing effect increased to [25% + 10% missing health] from [25% AD +8% missing health]


Void Corruption – passive damage dealt changed to “3% bonus damage (max 9%)” from “2% bonus damage (max 10%)”

Rune Changes

Phase Rush (Sorcery Keystone)

Move Speed decreased to 15-40% from 25-40%
Move Speed for melee champions decreased to 30-60% from 40-60%
Move Speed for ranged champions decreased to 15-40% from 25-40%
Duration of rune’s effects increased to 4 seconds from 3 seconds

Unsealed Spellbook

New effect! Now notes: “Smite damage increases after two Summoner Spell swaps”

Jungle Accessibility Changes

Here are the upcoming changes, via Mark Yetter on Twitter:

Jungle timers and camp gold
  • Camp respawn timer increased to [2 minutes 15 seconds] from [2 minutes]
  • Camp ‘bright’ warning timer decreased to 10 seconds from 15 seconds
Comeback experience
  • Large monsters (and above) will grant 50 XP per level below the average level of the game minus one
  • Smite damage to monsters changed to [450 at base, 900 after smite quest completion] from [390-1000 (based on levels)]
    • Summoner Spellbook: Smite damage increases after swapping summoners twice
  • Smite, along with crowd control will break the Scuttle Crab’s shield before applying damage

Survivability flattening

  • Omnivamp on jungle items lowered from 10% to 8%
  • Smite Percent Max Health Healing increased from 10% to 15%

Jungle monster camp changes

  • Jungle monster base attack damage reduction for survivability flattening
    • Blue Sentinel decreased to [78-234 (levels 1-18)] from [82-303 (levels 1-18)]
    • Red Brambleback decreased to [78-234 (levels 1-18)] from [82-303 (levels 1-18)]
    • Gromp decreased to [78-234 (levels 1-18)] from [80-253 (levels 1-18)]
    • Murkwolf decreased to [35-105 (levels 1-18)] from [42-156 (levels 1-18)]
    • Smaller Murkwolves decreased to [10-30 (levels 1-18)] from [16-59 (levels 1-18)]
    • Crimson Raptor decreased to [20-60 (levels 1-18)] from [20-74 (levels 1-18)]
    • Raptors decreased to [10-30 (levels 1-18)] from [13-49 (levels 1-18)]
    • Big Krug decreased to [78-234 (levels 1-18)] from [80-303 (levels 1-18)]
    • Medium Krug decreased to [20-60 (levels 1-18)] from lowered from [25-93 (levels 1-18)]
    • Mini Krugs decreased to [13-39 (levels 1-18)] from [17-63 (1evels 1-18)]
  • Jungle health changes to offset Smite clear speed
    • Blue Sentinel health increased to [1850-3238 (levels 1-18)] from [1800-3150 (levels 1-18)]
    • Red Brambleback health increased to [1850-3238 (levels 1-18) from [1800-3150 (1evels 1-18)]
    • Rift Scuttler health increased to [1050-2170 (levels 1-17)] from [1000-2066 (levels 1-17)]
  • Gold changes for income lost by spawn timers
    • Mini Krug value increased to 13g from 12g
    • Murkwolf value increased to 65g from 55g
    • Gromp value increased to 90g from 85g
    • Crimson Raptor value increased to 45g from 35g


New Champion Skins


“Poised precariously above the city, on the edge of High Arcana, Camille’s power comes from surprise and defying expectations. Her patterns seem confusing and alarming– even perilous– to those who cross her path, but they always resolve to her benefit. When burdened on the brink, Camille is at her strongest, but no one truly knows what she plans to use all that strength for…”

YouTube Thumbnail

Here’s the ARCANA CAMILLE splash art:

PBE Bug & Feedback Thread: Arcana Camille from LeaguePBE


“”Lucian believes in balance: that no one Archetype should have excessive influence on the world. With one gun amplifying patterns and the other cancelling them out, Lucian maintains the world’s fragile order within the new power vacuum– even as the likes of Tahm Kench move to fill it”

YouTube Thumbnail

Here’s the ARCANA LUCIAN splash art:

PBE Bug & Feedback Thread: Arcana Lucian from LeaguePBE


“The epitome of power and opulence, Tahm Kench’s power drips from his tongue. Its ornate patterns captivate and cajole his listeners. He leverages those he rules, staking his power to ensure the patterns always shift in his favour – “correcting” his subjects who have gone astray.”

YouTube Thumbnail

Here’s the ARCANA TAHM KENCH splash art:

PBE Bug & Feedback Thread: Arcana Tahm Kench from LeaguePBE


“”Ensnared by his own desires, Xerath leads citizens of Low Arcana to act on their basest urges. The more they are entranced by the forbidden, the more his power grows. But while Xerath believes their temptation will lead to his deliverance, he does not realize that the stronger he becomes, the more tightly his chains bind him”

YouTube Thumbnail

Here’s the ARCANA XERATH splash art:

PBE Bug & Feedback Thread: Arcana Xerath from LeaguePBE

Here are Riot’s PBE previews of the new Arcana skins from social media:

LEAGUE OF LEGENDS PATCH 11.10 – Kog’Maw VFX update

Kog’Maw is getting a VFX update this patch! Here’s the info from Riot on Reddit:

Kog’Maw Visual + Sound effects Update from LeaguePBE

Here’s a handy clip from SkinSpotlights giving us an idea of what’s coming for the champ:

YouTube Thumbnail


Here are some tweaks coming to a few of League’s champions, giving their animations a fresh lick of paint:

That’s all we’ve got for the tentative League of Legends patch 11.10 notes for now, but keep checking back on these notes over the patch’s two-week-long testing cycle – we’ll make sure we include all the changes you’ll want to know about ahead of the update’s live debut. Assuming you want to know what’s headed to Riot’s MOBA next, that is? Of course you do.

While you’re here, take a look at out guide to the best League of Legends champions to play if you’re a beginner and keen to get into the game, while our sister site The Loadout has a League of Legends ranks guide if you’re after tips on how to work your way up those ladders.