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League of Legends patch 12.10 notes - High Noon skins, durability buff

The latest League of Legends patch notes for update 12.10 adds a load more High Noon skins and the big durability buff to decrease damage in the MOBA

The League of Legends 12.10 patch notes are here

The League of Legends patch 12.10 notes are starting to launch on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) for all to see. While LoL patch 12.9 is live, thanks to the new update we already have an idea of what Riot Games is bringing to its popular MOBA game next.

First off, the biggest thing coming in LoL update 12.10 is a load more High Noon skins for various Champions. Patch 12.9 added some of these snappy new skins for the likes of Katarina, Leona, and more, and now 12.10 brings in five new ones, including Samira, Sion, and Twitch.

As previously announced, 12.10 also buffs the durability of every single champion, as part of Riot’s goal to “slow the pace” of the game’s combat so damage isn’t so much of a focus. To that end, base health, health per level, armour per level, and magic resistance per level have all been increased across the board – so matches might not be over so quickly now.

And now, here are the League of Legends patch 12.10 notes (thanks, Surrender at 20!).


According to the League of Legends 2022 patch schedule, the League of Legends patch 12.10 release date is set for Wednesday, May 25, 2022.

Maintenance times haven’t yet been confirmed, but usually begin at 3am PT for NA servers, 5am UK time for EUW servers, and 3am CET for EUNE servers, and last for approximately three hours, so expect downtime to start sometime around then.


Champion Balance Changes

All Champions have received durability buffs.
  • Base Health – increased
  • Health per Level – increased
  • Armour per Level – increased
  • Magic Resist per Level – increased
  • Grievous Wounds – decreased from 60/40% to 50/30%


Item changes

Item Balance Changes

Emberknife – nerfed

Decreased to 7% from 8%

Hailblade – nerfed

Decreased to 7% from 8%

Vampiric Scepter

Decreased to 7% from 8%

Doran’s Ring – buffed

Mana Restore
Increased to 1 from .75
Damage Amp
Mana restore to 1.5 from 1.25
Value as Health
Decreased to 40% from 50%

Elixir of Wrath – nerfed

Physical vamp
Decreased to 12% from 15%

Chemtech Putrifier – nerfed

Grievous Wounds
Decreased to 30% from 40%
Enhanced Grievous Wounds
Decreased to 60% from 50%

Mortal Reminder – nerfed

Grievous Wounds
Decreased to 30% from 40%
Enhanced Grievous Wounds
Decreased to 60% from 50%

Last Whisper – nerfed

Decreased to 16% from 20%

Lord Dominik’s Regards – nerfed

Armor Pen
Decreased to 30% from 35%

Seraph’s Embrace – nerfed

Decreased to 25% mana spent from 35%

Sunfire Aegis – nerfed

Stack damage
Decreased to 10% from 12%

Bloodthirster – nerfed

Life steal
Decreased to 18% from 20%

Thornmail – nerfed

Grievous Wounds
Decreased to 30% from 40%
Enhanced Grievous Wounds
Decreased to 60% from 50%

Bramble Vest – nerfed

Grievous Wounds
Decreased to 30% from 40%

Redemption – nerfed

Decreased to 180-340 from 200-400

Knight’s Vow – nerfed

Decreased to 7% from 8%

Fimbulwinter – buffed

Shield value
Increased to 100-200 + 4.5% current Mana from 100-200 + 5% current Mana

Executioner’s Calling – nerfed

Grievous Wounds
Decreased to 30% from 40%

Void Staff – nerfed

Magic pen
Decreased to 40% from 45%

Youmuu’s Ghostblade – buffed

Increased to 20 from 18

Blade of the Ruined King – nerfed

Decreased to 7% from 8%

Morellonomicon – nerfed

Grievous Wounds
Decreased to 30% from 40%
Enhanced Grievous Wounds
Decreased to 60% from 50%

Locket of the Iron Solari – nerfed

Decreased to 180-330 from 200-365

Mikael’s Blessing – nerfed

Decreased to 100-180 from 100-200

Shard of True Ice – buffed

Base mana regen
Increased to 115% from 100%

Oblivion Orb

Grievous Wounds
Decreased to 30% from 40%

Blighting Jewel – nerfed

Magic Pen
Decreased to 13% from 15%

Riftmaker – nerfed

Decreased to 7% from 8%

Demonic Embrace – nerfed

Decreased to [1.8/1% (Melee/Ranged)] from [2/1.2% (Melee/Ranged)]

Chempunk Chainsword – nerfed

Grievous Wounds
Decreased to 30% from 40%
Enhanced Grievous Wounds
Decreased to 60% from 50%

Moonstone Renewer – nerfed

Decreased to 60 from 70
Heal and shield power
Decreased to 5% from 6%
Mythic passive heal increase
Decreased to 8 from 10

Goredrinker – nerfed

Decreased to 8% from 10%
Decreased to [20% Base Attack Damage + 8% missing Health] from [25% Base Attack Damage + 10% missing Health]

Divine Sunderer – nerfed

Decreased to [6%/3% Melee/Ranged] from [7.8%/3.6% Melee/Ranged]

Immortal Shieldbow – nerfed

Decreased to 7% from 8%
Decreased to 250-630 from 275-700

Eclipse – nerfed

Decreased to [160 + 35% bonus Attack Damage] from [180 + 40% bonus Attack Damage]
Omnivamp decreased to 7% from 8%

Hullbreaker – nerfed

Armour decreased to 10-75 from 20-45
Magic resistance changed to 5-37.5 from 5-75
Large minions armour decreased to 30-225 from 60-135
Large minion magic resistance changed to 15-112.5 from 15-225


Rune Balance Changes

Summon Aery – nerfed

Decreased to [30 – 75 (+.22 AP)(+.35 bAD)] from [35 – 80 (+.25 AP)(+.4 bAD)]

Taste of Blood – nerfed

Decreased to [16-30 (+0.15 bAD, +0.08 AP)] from 918-35 (+0.2 bAD, +0.1 AP)]

Conqueror – nerfed

Decreased to [8/5% melee/ranged] from [9/6% melee/ranged]

Nullifying Orb – nerfed

Decreased to [35 – 110 (+0.09 AP and +0.14 bAD)] from [40 – 120 (+0.1 AP and +0.15 bAD)]

Triumph – nerfed

Health restore
Decreased to 10% from 12%

Font of Life – nerfed

Decreased to [5 + 0.9%] from [5 + 1%]

Guardian – nerfed

Decreased to [45 – 120 +12.5% AP + 8% bonus health] from [50 – 130 +15% AP + 9% bonus health]

Conditioning – nerfed

Armor & MR
Decreased to 4% from 5%

Overheal – nerfed

Decreased to [10 +9% Max Health)] from [10 (+10% Max Health)]


Champion skins

High Noon Samira – 1350 RP

“The poster was straightforward enough: “WANTED: Tahm Kench – Devil, DEAD OR ALIVE”, followed by a generous sum. Only the Mechanical Devil’s got that kinda cash to pay. Samira ain’t sure why the other bounty hunters seemed so spooked by a little ol’ devil hunt. Well, let ’em shy away. This gunpowder witch don’t scare easy.”
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High Noon Sion – 1350 RP

“As soon as Sion knew life, he knew rage: rage that ripped the restraints from the operating table; rage that crushed the bones of those men who tried to play at the miracle of Creation; rage that he ain’t, nor ever would be, the second clockwork angel they had hoped to construct. Sion knows rage, and so will the world.”
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High Noon Tahm Kench – 1350 RP

“Tahm Kench is a magnanimous devil: happy to lend a magical sword to a lady in need, or to assist her in robbing the Sulfur Rail, or even to deliver her to a calamitous destiny as a fellow Harbinger of the End Times. He don’t need no compensation. She’ll just owe him a favor… because in the End, it pays to have friends.”
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High Noon Twitch – 1350 RP

“It starts like this: An ill wind blows across the desert, dessicated rats turn up in the streets, rotting under the hot sun. Then the traveling undertaker arrives. No one knows who (or what) he is, nor where he hails from… But it seems even Death has a bone to pick with the King of the Sulfur Rail. Another Harbinger arrives.”
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Here’s the High Noon Twitch splash art:

League of Legends High Noon Twitch splash art

High Noon Viktor – 1350 RP

“Many a road to Hell was paved with good intent. Dr. Viktor may be the Mechanical Devil’s kept engineer now, but his work began as charity: trying to “rehome” the souls of the dead in clockwork bodies, in order to circumvent mortality itself. Shame that Mordekaiser saw the good doctor’s kindness and struck him a deal he could not deny.”
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 Here are some voice lines for the Void Empress dug up during the PBE:
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Riot’s Phlox on Twitter has a preview of further adjustments the team is making, calling 12.10 “a pretty massive patch” – part of the reason why Riot has held off on releasing any specific champion changes.

Phlox also explains why Riot has made sweeping nerfs to healing, mostly down to the fact that sustain champions would be “absolutely unkillable” after the other changes the team has made.

And that’s everything on the LoL patch 12.10 for now, but keep heading back to check them out as there’s sure to be lots more to eyeball and delve into ahead of the patch’s arrival very soon.

Be sure to go catch up on the LoL patch 12.9 notes too – it’s a big update, and there’s plenty on the way, so you’ll want to make sure you’re in the know on what’s about to drop now the patch is live. Plus, we have a LoL tier list that has all you need to know about the best League of Legends champions to play in each role as of the latest patch.