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Does Lords of the Fallen have crossplay?

Find out if Lords of the Fallen crossplay is available and see if there are any issues standing in your way from being able to play the Soulslike with friends.

Two lantern-bearers, playing in Lords of the Fallen crossplay, are about to attack a skeletal wizard conjuring a fireball with zombies approaching from the flames behind him.

Is Lords of the Fallen crossplay? The burden of being the Dark Crusader need not be one you take on alone, and we know co-op is possible. However, whether you can play the reboot of this Soulslike series with friends who own the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X|S version is another problem entirely.

We already know from the Lords of the Fallen Steam page that playing Lords of the Fallen multiplayer is possible, allowing for invading other players’ games or defending against would-be aggressors. As it’s not long before the Lords of the Fallen release date, we recommend you take some time to read our Lords of the Fallen review before you check in this guide to see if you can play the Soulslike game with friends using consoles.

Lords of the Fallen crossplay: Two knights are attempting to attack each other with heavy blows next to a window.

Does Lords of the Fallen have crossplay?

The good news is that Lords of the Fallen has crossplay on PC with PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X|S players. However, the bad news is that PlayStation and Xbox players cannot play Lords of the Fallen with each other.

This information was revealed in a post on the Lords of the Fallen official website, in which lead network multiplayer programmer David Romanowski addressed some key questions. In addition to confirming the situation regarding Xbox and PlayStation players being unable to play with each other, he also says that cross-progression will also not be available as this would require players to create Hexworks Accounts. This is an extra step the team wanted to avoid.

Romanowski also mentions that co-op partners can collect items dropped by enemies, but world loot, including any objects in chests or hidden in the environment, will not be accessible. Another critical factor is that your story will not progress if you join another player’s game, as it’s tied to your save.

That’s everything you need to know about Lords of the Fallen crossplay. While you’re here, you may also want to know if Lords of the Fallen Game Pass is available or check out the Lords of the Fallen system requirements if you need to verify your PC will be able to run the game smoothly. When you do, you may wish to learn what the best Lords of the Fallen classes are and the best corresponding Lords of the Fallen weapons and Lords of the Fallen builds you should look for to help you beat Lords of the Fallen bosses that are giving you a hard time.