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Modern Warfare 3 is $70, as Activision calls it a “premium release”

Activision has just confirmed that Call of Duty's upcoming entry, Modern Warfare 3, will be priced at the new triple-A standard $70 point.

Modern Warfare 3 price: an image of a man's back showcasing a tattoo of a bear growling with its mouth open

Modern Warfare 3 is well on its way to becoming one of the most highly anticipated FPS games following Activision’s reveal of the upcoming entry to the iconic Call of Duty series. As Modern Warfare 3 approaches, many prospective players are wondering how much the game will cost them. Activision Blizzard has just allegedly confirmed the price, and it looks like Call of Duty is following in other triple-A games’ footsteps with the new Modern Warfare.

According to CharlieIntel, the Call of Duty publisher revealed Modern Warfare 3’s price in an official statement. “Activision has confirmed that Modern Warfare III is a full premium release and will be priced at $70,” the news website alleged. CharlieIntel also wrote that the upcoming game has “no upgrade price” and is “not an expansion.”

CharlieIntel also clarified why the game appears listed on Steam as an add-on rather than a full release, writing that it’s “because all Call of Duty games will be an add-on for the Call of Duty HQ app going forward.” According to CharlieIntel, this is “to simplify” the game into one launcher.

Post detailing Modern Warfare 3's confirmed price by Activision on Charlie Intel's Twitter

In the post, CharlieIntel quoted Activision Blizzard’s price confirmation directly. The alleged spokesperson declared, “As stated in numerous Activision Blizzard quarterly conference calls, Modern Warfare 3 is a premium release,” going on to say that the game “will be priced accordingly at $70.”

As the Modern Warfare 3 release date approaches, having an idea of what the game will cost you is important. If the game is indeed priced at $70, Activision will be matching Microsoft’s price increases as well as those of other triple-A developers.

If you’re excited to hop into Modern Warfare 3 once it’s here, then you should check out some of these other great multiplayer games to keep yourself occupied until the new Call of Duty entry releases. Alternatively, browse through a few of these cool battle royale games if you want something else that’s competitive to play outside of Activision’s action-packed series.