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Persona 5 has more sales than Washington has people

Following the announcement of the series' upcoming game, Persona 5 has reportedly sold over nine million copies, making it Atlus' most successful Persona yet.

Ren, Ann, and Ryuji from Persona 5, with Ann pointing angrily toward the camera

Persona 5 is one of Atlus’ most well-received JRPGs, and that is no small feat considering how many of the developer’s other games have garnered critical acclaim. After bringing the already globally beloved Persona 5 series to PC,  Atlus saw an even greater influx in its player base, from old fans to the fresher faces coming into the story-heavy games for the first time. Following multiple spin-off games and other inspired media, Persona 5 is now more popular than ever, and it doesn’t seem as though its success is going to slow down.

In the wake of Atlus’ announcement of a new Persona 5 game and Metaphor ReFantazio, the renowned developer and publisher has reportedly hit a record amount of sales. The Persona 5 series has now sold over nine million copies worldwide, making it the most successful group of Persona games. In total, Persona has achieved at least 17.7 million releases, which leaves Persona 5 games accounting for over half the entire franchise’s sales. The Persona 5 Royal re-release alone sold a couple million copies, meaning that the majority of the fifth series’ sales can be attributed to its newer ports as well as its launch on modern consoles and PC.

Persona 5 has proven its worth as an incredibly successful JRPG, from its multiple spin-off games to its animations. With Persona 5 Tactica releasing later this year, the series’ numbers are likely to continue soaring high. You can find more details regarding Persona 5’s sales here on Sega’s website but do be warned that they are written in Japanese.

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Not only does Persona 5 have more games in store with the upcoming Tactica launch, but Atlus is also remaking the iconic Persona 3 game from years past. As a Persona fan myself, I’m thrilled to see its fanbase continue growing. I do feel that the expansion to PC and modernization of older games has made the JRPGs more accessible and honestly more desirable to many players who may have not otherwise ventured into the genre.

If you are excited to play Atlus’ upcoming JRPGs, you can also check out some of this year’s other upcoming PC games for more content to look forward to. If you love Persona’s role-playing elements, be sure to look through our favorite RPG games. You can also browse some of the other best story games out there if you love how well-written Atlus’ Persona series is.