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Rainbow Six Siege update ends Ying’s reign of terror

Attacking op. Ying's been slapped with a nerf after her recent batch of buffs

Last week’s Rainbow Six Siege Y5S1.2 patch brought a batch of nerfs for some of the best Rainbow Six Siege operators, Jager, Goyo, Mozzie, Buck, and Kaid – but also some decent buffs for attacking op. Ying. Now, however, it looks like Ubisoft’s decided to roll one of those changes back – it’s issuing an update to reduce Ying’s explosives again.

Ying’s recent buffs were three-fold: “Increased number of Candelas to four (up from three); replaced Claymores with Smoke Grenades; increased T-95 LSW damage to 46 (up from 43)”. The first of those – the extra Candela charge – has meant she’s had a real edge in wiping out a defending team’s anti-grenade gadgets solo, with enough of the explosives remaining to finish off everyone else on site, too. You can see this in action in a clip of streamer Beaulo playing below.

Now, Ubisoft’s posted a tweet announcing it’s “rolling out updates today for some of the issues addressed in our top issues blog“. These are a “daily level XP cap for PvE”, an “MMR rollback popup bug fix”, and “Ying’s Candelas reduced from four to three”.

It’s a PC-only update, the studio adds. Hopefully this’ll mean an end to Ying’s week-long reign of terror in the FPS game’s matches, bringing a bit more balance to her playstyle.

It’s not explained in the tweet what the new daily level cap for the multiplayer game’s PvE mode is, but according to the recent ‘top issues’ post it references, the studio’s objective is to “make Ranked less easily accessible to bots and smurfs by limiting the daily XP that can be earned in PvE. This will make it easier for us to spot and catch bots and smurfs before they are able to make their way into Ranked.”

As for the other update, it looks like this addresses a “purely visual bug”, which was causing “incorrect values” to be displayed in some MMR rollback popup notifications.

If you’re a fan of Ubisoft’s shooter, go get a look at our Rainbow Six Siege Year 5 guide to stay up-to-date with the game’s roadmap.