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Your PC gaming weekend: win a new sci-fi roguelike, play free LawBreakers, Skyrim’s new survival mode, and more!

Your PC Gaming Weekend

Happy weekend! Ah, doesn’t it feel good to breathe in that freedom? Now then, time to lock ourselves in a room and play games for the next 48 hours. What do we have for you this weekend? Quite the treat, you’ll see. There’s a new-ish online shooter having a free weekend that you’ll want to check out. Failing that, one of the best strategy games ever made just came out. Plus, one of the world’s favourite RPGs just got a new survival mode. Check out the links below for more details.

Win a copy of roguelike sci-fi exploration game Galactic Crew – we have 250 Steam keys!

Now on Steam Early Access, Benjamin Romme’s sci-fi roguelike exploration game Galactic Crew gives you a spaceship and a galaxy to make a living in. Along with your crew, you’ll be able to fly through space in search of riches and danger, landing on planets in hopes of finding pirate hideouts, alien mining outposts, and ancient civilisations.

The big new game to play this weekend is Total War: Warhammer II, so get on that

Strategy game fans, it’s your week right now, as Total War: Warhammer II is out, and yes, it is brilliant. It’s the best Total War game so far. That’s what we say in our review of the game linked above. Have a read if you need to know more before you throw your cash at it.

Blast fools in zero-g as part of the LawBreakers free weekend

Cliff Bleszinski is known for Gears of War – you’ve heard of it. His latest shooter, LawBreakers, hasn’t enjoyed as much popularity, but it’s still a bloody good online blastathon. That’s one reason to play it during its free weekend. We have four more reasons in the link above.

Watch the latest episode of Valve’s Dota 2 documentary, True Sight

There are a lot of esports documentaries out there. A lot. But many of them are pretty bad. Valve’s documentary series on professional Dota 2, however, is actually pretty good. That’s why we recommend you watch the latest episode of it, called True Sight, by following the link above.

Stave off hunger and the cold in Skyrim’s new, official survival mode

Skyrime has been out how long now? Six years, apparently. And yet we’re still finding reasons to keep playing it. That’s mostly due to its mods and the sheer expansiveness of the game. But now Bethesda have released and official survival mode. How can you not check that out?

Skyrim Survival mode

Play Hob, a new Zelda-like RPG from the Torchlight creators

If you do fancy something different to Skyrim, though, but want to stick with the RPG as a genre, have a crack at Hob. It’s the latest game from the creators of the Torchlight series. It looks a bit like Zelda, is wordless, and gives you a mechanical glove to interact with its world.

Get Dream Daddy and loads more games for cheap from Humble Bundle

How do you fancy dating some hot dads this weekend? If you do, you’re in luck, as you can now pick up Dream Daddy at a discounted price. It’s a dad dating simulator, by the way, if the title didn’t make it clear. There are other games going cheap, too, but you’ll have to click the link above to find out what they are.

Try out Fortnite’s new, free-to-play Battle Royale mode, and bring your squad

Lots of people have been playing Fortnite’s new Battle Royale mode since it launched last week. Around one million of them – so you shouldn’t struggle to find a match. Now, however, the mode has a new addition – you can form a squad rather than play on your own as you had to before. Oh, and it’s free now. That’s good too.

Fortnite Battle Royale

Get ready for Halloween with Planet Coaster’s new Spooky Pack DLC

It’s not October yet but we are very close. That means you are allowed to start getting spooky. And what better way to do that than grabbing the Spooky Pack DLC for Planet Coaster? Who doesn’t love a good scare at a theme park. Ghost train, anyone?

Command & Conquer fans, treat yourself by playing Tiberian Dawn Redux

There are those of us out there who refuse to accept Command & Conquer’s death. And for good reason. Modders and hobbyist developers are keeping the series going by making their own campaigns. One of the latest is Tiberian Dawn Redux, which takes us back to the basics of the RTS. Ah, the good old days.

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