An ongoing Diablo Immortal bug is causing players of the RPG game to get locked out of quest progression in the Helliquary raids. Players are reporting that they are encountering a bug with the Lassal the Flame-Spun quest, which causes them to be unable to complete the quest after killing Lassal in the free-to-play game because a required character is occupied by another quest.
User WhiteSin reported the bug to the Diablo Immortal bug report forum, and numerous users have responded echoing the issue with similar problems of their own. WhiteSin says that after killing Lassal, the game’s first Helliquary boss, they are left unable to complete two yellow quests as “the character in this quest is occupied by another quest.” The Frozen in Fear quest, which sets users against the second Helliquary boss Vitaath, appears to be taking priority and preventing the Lassal quest from being turned in.
Another user, ECKoh, explains the resulting problem: “I am not getting any loot whenever I kill Lassal, while Vitaath is a much harder boss which my power rating is not high enough for yet.” Essentially, it appears that players who run into this bug are unable to get their rewards for fighting Lassal the Flame-Spun, who is designed as the entry level raid, because the Vitaath quest is being prioritised despite being much higher level.
Players in the comments mention attempting various methods including repeating the Lassal quest, using the option to unstick your character, and even resetting the app altogether in an attempt to fix the problem, but to no avail. Given that Vitaath is a much higher-rated raid, it is unlikely that players taking on Lassal – especially those doing so for the first time – would even be able to consider taking on the Vitaath quest to clear it up, let alone doing so without first obtaining rewards from it.
It appears that this may not be a one-off problem, either – user Nextasy comments that they are running into a similar issue with the Vitaath raid, having “cleared both Vitaath 1 and 2 raids but the quest doesn’t seem to complete,” meaning that the Gorgothra raid – the third of the Helliquary boss fights – is not unlocking for them.
There has been no comment from Blizzard in response to this issue at the time of writing, but given the rather game-breaking nature of this bug preventing players from completing one of the main late-game activities it seems like one that should be considered high priority.
If you’re in the process of Diablo Immortal leveling, keep an eye out for another Diablo Immortal bug causing reduced XP gains. If you’re planning to take on the Helliquary bosses for yourself – and hopefully avoid the aforementioned bug – be sure to look through our best Diablo Immortal builds and our picks of the best Diablo Immortal legendary items to get yourself ready.