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Farm Achievements and Primogems in new Genshin Impact event

Genshin Impact's new domain-building event has allowed players to create custom maps, made specifically for farming achievements and Primogems.

Farm Achievements and Primogems in this new Genshin Impact event: anime girl with cat ears winking

The Genshin Impact version 3.7 update recently re-introduced the Divine Ingenuity event in its first rerun, and players have been using it to farm achievements and Primogems. Now titled Divine Ingenuity: Collector’s Chapter, the event allows you to create your own domain and share it with players worldwide. In less than a week, the Genshin Impact community has set up and shared several domains that are perfect for earning the anime game‘s combat-related achievements.

On top of letting you create your own style of domain, Divine Ingenuity also provides options to place several different enemy types inside. The community has used these tools to bunch up weak enemies like slimes and hilichurls, then destroy them all at once with different elemental attacks to unlock several achievements.

This farming method is perfect, not only for completionists who want to see achievements earned, but also for those who want to rack up a few extra Primogems. Most achievements give you at least five gems when unlocked, while some go even higher.

You can cycle through elemental reactions while taking out large groups of enemies to unlock achievements inside the Elemental Specialist series, as well as a few others related to combat.

A Redditor named Sonbuu shared their North American farming domain code (4904988763) to help others grab these achievements. And, as for the European servers, here are a few codes to help with specific achievements in fun, efficient ways:

  • Go With the Wind – 17894970589
  • Melt You Down – 22189937885
  • The Art of War – 5010068701
  • Performance May Decline in Low Temperatures – 9305035997
  • A Little Less Shocking – 13600003293

Players on the Asia servers can use the rest of the codes found in the pinned comment on the Reimein YouTube video below.

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The Genshin Impact Divine Ingenuity: Collector’s Chapter event ends on June 29, so be sure to get all your farming done before it’s gone.

The second half of Genshin Impact version 3.7 has only just begun, so you can use those extra Primogems to pull for Kazuha or Alhaitham.

If you need a bit of advice, check out our Genshin Impact tier list to see who’ll fit best in your teams. And you can also redeem the active Primogem codes to get even more gems if the achievements don’t provide enough.