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Where to find Palworld Honey

Everyone has a bit of a sweet tooth. As such, Palworld Honey is one of the most important ingredients which helps breed more powerful Pals.

beegarde and elizabee pals holding spears in palworld

Where can you get Honey in Palworld? As you can imagine, honey is used to make food in Palworld. With it and several other ingredients, including milk, eggs, red berries, and flour, you can begin making cake after unlocking the cooking pot on the technology tree at level 17. But what’s the point of cake, you ask? Well, with cake you can begin breeding your own Pals.

Wondering about Palworld breeding? Our list of every single Palworld Pal in the game will also give you an idea or three for which you want to aim for. Furthermore, if you want to make some cake, you’re going to need flour. Luckily, we have a little guide detailing where specifically to find wheat seeds, which are required to make flour, and another for milk. Otherwise, read on to learn all about honey.

two beegard confronting the player in palworld wilds
Where to find Palworld Honey

Currently, the main way to get Honey in Palworld is to farm Pals that drop it when you capture or kill them. These Pals are:

  • Beegarde
  • Cinnamoth
  • Elizabee
  • Warsect

Of these, Cinnamoth is the lowest level Pal and likely the first you’ll meet. You’ll find them north of the Bridge of the Twin Knights There’s even a fast travel point called Cinnamoth Forest at location -74, -279. The Cinnamoth here spawn at around level 18, so they’re right around the time you’ll be able to make a cooking pot and cakes.

Far east of this area, you’ll find Beegarde in abundance around the Mossanda Forest fast travel point (location 234, -118), and boss tier Elizabee as well. These Pals reach higher levels, between 20 – 30, with plenty of other powerful and dangerous Pals and NPCs to battle.

Warsect is a late-game Pal that isn’t great for farming honey; however, if you want to grab one, it’s located within a dungeon called Sealed Realm of the Stalwart at location 158, -222 and is level 30.

How to farm Palworld Honey

You can assign captured Beegarde to work the ranch in your base. They will occasionally produce Honey for you to use in this way.

If you catch as many Beegard as possible and assign them all to a base with a ranch, you’ll soon be swimming in honey – enough to make a ton of cakes to breed Pals with.

That’s all the information you need to gather honey like a good little worker bee in Palworld. With powerful, well-bred Pals at your disposal, you’ll have no trouble defeating all the Palworld bosses. And – perhaps not unsurprisingly – there’s quite a lot of great Palworld mods already out if you’ve defeated them all.