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Starfield launch day marks a spooky, but very sweet, coincidence

The Starfield early access launch day spookily coincides with an important date in Bethesda fandom history, as we await the successor to Fallout and Skyrim.

Starfield early access anniversary: An astronaut in a suit from Bethesda RPG game Starfield

Starfield is nearly here, with the Bethesda RPG game set to take the Fallout, Elder Scrolls, and Skyrim formula into the next, star-studded generation. It’s been a long journey, from the first announcement to where we are now, mere weeks ahead of the Starfield release date. So, how fitting it should be that after all these years, the Starfield early access launch day just so happens to fall on a vital date in the history of its devoted, eagle-eyed fans. If you’ve been following Starfield since the start, this is a spooky but sweet moment that feels almost too good to be coincidence.

Formally announced all the way back in 2018, it’s been a long, long wait for Starfield. With launch almost here, however, we’re seriously ready to meet all the Starfield companions and maybe enjoy some Starfield romance. And it turns out the open-world game’s early access date chimes very nicely with an anniversary for all us Starfield fans.

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Beginning on Friday, September 1, Starfield early access just so happens to coincide on the exact date that the ever-watchful, ever-faithful Starfield Reddit was first created. Having successfully mined every single Starfield reveal, video, interview, and rumor in the lead up to release, September 1 will mark Starfield Reddit’s seventh birthday, after being created on the same date in 2016.

Starfield early access anniversary: A screenshot of the Starfield Reddit

It’s a wonderful, if slightly unbelievable coincidence, more than befitting for one of the most committed fandoms in gaming. I’d like to think that Bethesda somehow knew the anniversary was coming, and settled on September 1 for Starfield’s early access date in tribute. But maybe this is more magical as a simple happenstance, a poetic gift from the vast Starfield cosmos to let the most worthy fans know that Todd loves them.

We’re nearly there, so make sure your PC is ready for blast off with the full Starfield system requirements. Hungry for more? While a good Starfield wiki can be a handy source of information, our new Starfield Database goes further, offering you daily news, searchable databanks, and even interactive tools.