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$75 will snag you Starfield’s most ’00s bit of merch

You can nab some of the coolest looking, but still sort of weird, Starfield merch for just $75, if you fancy quite the conversation starter.

Starfield may just win the award for 2023’s most left-of-field but still coolest piece of merch, as the Bethesda RPG game is offering up something I’d never expect. So if you can’t wait for the Starfield release date, maybe it’s time to drop $75 on this timewarp back to the ’00s with Starfield instead.

If you’ve got Cloud’s Buster Sword, Sora’s Keyblade, or any kind of videogame replica on your wall, this one’s for you. Hell, you might even actually be a skateboarder, in which case this is definitely for you.

That’s right, you can now snag an official Starfield skate deck. As this is just the board there are no trucks or wheels, but that’s why it’s the perfect piece of wall decor. How do Bethesda’s space game and skateboarding mix? Beats me! But it looks sleek, which is why I might be slightly tempted myself.

$75 will snag you Starfield's most '00s bit of merch

According to Bethesda, there’s some cool Starfield artwork on the underside of the deck, with both the Starfield logo and already iconic Constellation stripes. It’s also 8.0 x 31.875 inches, which is the proper size of a standard skateboard too, and you can expect to pay $75 /£60 for it if the Starfield Constellation Edition wasn’t burning a big enough hole in your pocket.

The Starfield skate deck could be the perfect gift, or perhaps you’d like to cruise around town on a branded skateboard and matching beanie and coat. Todd Howard’s Pro Skater anyone? No? Okay.

In the meantime, we’ve got everything you need to know about Starfield ahead of release, like how Starfield weapon mods work, a breakdown of Starfield space combat, and even what you can expect to be doing during Starfield missions too.