The Disney Dreamlight Valley Toy Story update was announced in September alongside the addition of the Lion King update and new Scar quests. While the wicked lion king has already moved into his home in the Elephant Graveyard, we’re still awaiting the delivery of Andy’s favourite toys – but we do now have a release date. Arriving a little later thean expected, the Dreamlight Valley Toy Story update release date is December 6.
The Disney life sim already features lots of familiar faces, but we know there is room for “unlimited” expansions. The Dream Castle already houses around 30 unlocked doors, which will eventually lead to new realms. That said, you’d think these new updates would be coming thick and fast, with Scar added just six weeks after the original release date. The Toy Story update might be coming a little later than anticipated, but it is still the second major update in just three months, with a Beauty and the Beast update expected not long into the new year.
Dreamlight Valley Toy Story update release date
Following on from the villain update, we originally estimated the release date for the Toy Story update to fall on around November 29, 2022, fitting in with both the developer’s promise of a “late fall” date and the end of the villain Star Path. However, in a tweet released on November 22, the release date for the Dreamlight Valley Toy Story update has been announced as December 6.
The new Dreamlight Valley update release time is 6am PST / 9am EST / 2pm GMT.
This might be a little later than expected, but that doesn’t mean we’re disappointed. As mentioned, this is the second major update to the Disney game since it’s release just three months ago – and don’t forget it’s still in early access.
Toy Story update realm, characters, and quests
Thanks to the official Toy Story update reveal trailer, we already know what we can expect from the new content. We know that Woody and Buzz will first be encountered – somewhat surprisingly – in Bonnie’s room from Toy Story 3, the new realm to be added to the Dream Castle. What we don’t know is how much Dreamlight it will cost to get in, so start saving up now.
Once you get into Bonnie’s room, for the first time in Dreamlight Valley, you’ll shrink down to the size of the toys, making it easier to talk to the new characters and complete their quests. What we’ll be tasked with doing for them remains to be seen, but as with Moana and Maui, and Anna and Elsa, we’ll be able to complete challenges to bring the pair into the Valley for good. Once there, you’ll return to your normal size, while little Remy might find some small new friends in the two sentient toys.
One thing we don’t know yet is whether we’ll have to wait until December 6 for a new Star Path, considering the villains battle pass is already over. We expect so, since it seems unlikely that Gameloft will add to considerable patches so close together, but you never know.
Stitch comes to Dreamlight Valley
Thank to a low-key Twitter reveal on November 30, we now also know that Stitch will be joining the game when the Toy Story playthings get shipped in. No details have been revealed about the blue alien’s arrival yet, but we know there will be a new range of “Missions in Unchartered Space” quests coming with December’s update 2, presuambly Stitch’s story quests, plus a bunch of gorgeous, snowy Christmas items.
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Now Woody and Buzz are here, take a look at the next Dreamlight Valley update release date, and don’t forget to keep checking on your valley, including feeding your Dreamlight Valley animals. Use the time to get up to date on all those story quests as well, like Mickey’s secret door quest, and Dazzle Beach’s Mystical Cave riddles, to earn enough Dreamlight to unlock Bonnie’s room on the Toy Story update release date.