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Blizzard confirms all Diablo 4’s rarest items and how you get them

Diablo 4's rarest unique items have been detailed by Blizzard, as even one of the six 820 power drops can completely change your build in Sanctuary.

Blizzard confirms all Diablo 4's rarest items and how you get them: a pale woman with horns and blue eyes looks off into the middle distance

Diablo 4 has a lot of high-powered items, and we’ve finally been told about the six (yes, six) rarest and most powerful Diablo 4 uniques, which would be sure to make you absolutely unstoppable in the RPG game. So if you want to read up on exactly what these Diablo 4 items are and what they do, we’ve got everything you need to know right here.

Talk of Diablo 4’s rarest unique items comes from the game’s lead class designer Adam Jackson, who’s shared a look at the six rarest items in the game alongside exactly how you get them.

As many of us had already guessed, the rarest unique items all roll at 820 power, which explains why they’re so rare as very few items can even roll that high to begin with. But taking a look at the 820 power Diablo 4 weapons, they’re absolute monsters.

To start seeing these unique items you’ll need an incredibly powerful Diablo 4 class too, as Jackson explains that only enemies which are level 85 or above will have a chance to drop them. They also stress that these six items are “really rare,” which I can only assume is code for you’ll spend days looking for them.

We’d already learned about two of Diablo 4’s rarest items in The Grandfather and the Harlequin Crest, but we can now tell you about all six.

Diablo 4 all unique items

Below you’ll find a list of all six Diablo 4 uniques alongside some basic info, you can see more in each of the images above too.

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You should also know that each of these items requires your character to be up to level 65 with each item also being “account bound” as well.

If you’re deep in Diablo 4 and want to know more, we’ve got the lowdown on if you’ll lose your character in Diablo 4 Season 1, alongside a complete breakdown of Diablo 4 PvP and the Fields of Hatred as well.