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Best Destiny 2 Warlock Stasis builds for PvP and PvE

The best Destiny 2 Warlock Stasis builds for PvP and PvE are some of the strongest setups in the entire game, so make sure you take advantage of our picks.

Best Destiny 2 Warlock Stasis builds for PvP and PvE: A Shadebinder Warlock casts its melee.

What are the best Destiny 2 Warlock Stasis builds? When Bungie first introduced Stasis with the Beyond Light expansion, it introduced a powerful new series of subclasses that leveraged the power of cold and ice to help us trap, slow and defeat our enemies. Stasis also gave us ways to customise builds in new ways, using a system of Aspects and Fragments.

Whether you’re looking to dominate in PvP or want to defeat your foes in the game’s most difficult PvE content, there’s an S-tier Destiny 2 Warlock Stasis build out there that will help you reach your maximum potential in the popular FPS game. In fact, the Aspects and Fragments system that Stasis introduced was so powerful, it has since been applied to Arc builds, Solar builds, and Void builds and will likely also see an application in the forthcoming Destiny 2 Strand subclass debuting on the Destiny 2 Lightfall release date in only a few weeks in one of the best free PC games available. Along with these Destiny 2 Warlock Stasis builds, we also have an explainer on how to unlock Stasis Aspects and Fragments at the bottom of this guide.

Best Destiny 2 Warlock Stasis builds for PvP and PvE: A Shadebinder Warlock uses its super in the air.

Best Warlock PvE Stasis build: Supercharged Shadebinder turret

This turret build is powerful for numerous activities, including everything from Grandmaster Destiny 2 Nightfall weapon grinds and solo raid content, including the Destiny 2 Spire of the Watcher dungeon. We covered a version of this build in our guide to the best Destiny 2 Warlock builds, though we’ve modified it slightly here. The synergy of the Stasis shards acting as elemental wells means you should always have ability energy. The objective of this build is to use powerful turrets to freeze and shatter your enemies, blasting those around them with area-of-effect damage.

Class: Shadebinder – Winter’s Wrath

Winter’s Wrath: Summon stasis staff.

  • Primary: Cast out Stasis shards that freeze targets.
  • Secondary: Cast a shockwave that shatters frozen targets.

Essential stats: Tier 10 Resilience, Tier 10 Discipline if possible

Masterwork armour to maximise stats, and use armour mods to increase them even more.

Class abilities

Healing rift: Well continuously heals all inside it.
Burst glide: Grants more singular momentum than the other options.
Coldsnap grenade: Grenade freezes on impact and sends a seeker to other targets.
Penumbral blast: Blast Stasis forward to freeze your targets.


Glacial Harvest: Freezing targets creates stasis shards around the target.
Bleak Watcher: Press and hold the grenade button to turn your grenade into a Stasis turret that fires slowing projectiles at nearby targets.


Whisper of Torment: Gain grenade energy each time you take damage from targets.
Whisper of Durance: Slows from your abilities last longer. For abilities that linger, their duration also increases. (+10 Strength)
Whisper of Shards: Shattering a Stasis crystal temporarily increases grenade recharge rate. (+10 Resilience).
Whisper of Conduction: Nearby stasis shards track to your position.

Exotic armour

Osmiomancy Gloves: Coldsnap Grenades have better tracking and grant grenade ability upon hitting and freezing an enemy.

Armour mods

Harmonic Siphon: Rapid weapon final blows with damage matching your subclass type create an Orb of Power.
Grenade Kickstart: When grenade energy is fully expended, gain grenade energy.
Better Already: Health begins regenerating immediately after picking up an Orb of Power.
Distribution: Reduces ability cooldowns when using class ability near targets.
Perpetuation: Reduced ability cooldown when using your class ability.
Elemental Shards: Stasis shards count as elemental wells for you.
Well of Restoration: Picking up a Stasis elemental well grants you additional energy for the ability that has the lowest energy. Multiple copies of this mod increase its effect.


Weapon containing a Headstone trait: Precision final blows spawn a Stasis crystal at the victim’s location.

Best Destiny 2 Warlock Stasis builds for PvP and PvE: A Shadebinder Warlock casts its super.

Best Warlock PvP Stasis build: Charged-up Coldsnap contender

In some ways, this build is similar to the Osiomancy-focused build above. However, since Elemental Wells don’t work in PvP, this one focuses on a slightly different approach, using Charged with Light mods for a dominating performance in PvP activities. Here’s how this charged-up Coldsnap build breaks down.

Class: Shadebinder – Winter’s Wrath

Winter’s Wrath: Summon stasis staff.

  • Primary: Cast out Stasis shards that freeze targets.
  • Secondary: Cast a shockwave that shatters frozen targets.

Essential stats: Tier 10 Resilience, Tier 10 Discipline if possible

Masterwork armour to maximise stats, and use armour mods to increase them even more.

Class abilities

Healing rift: Well continuously heals all inside it.
Burst glide: Grants more singular momentum than the other options.
Coldsnap grenade: Grenade freezes on impact and sends a seeker to other targets.
Penumbral blast: Blast Stasis forward to freeze your targets.


Iceflare Bolts: Shattering a frozen target spawns seekers that track and freeze other nearby targets.
Bleak Watcher: Press and hold the grenade button to turn your grenade into a Stasis turret that fires slowing projectiles at nearby targets.


Whisper of Fissures: Increases the damage and size of Stasis burst when you destroy a Stasis crystal or defeat a frozen target.
Whisper of Refraction: Defeating slowed or frozen targets grants class ability energy.
Whisper of Chains: When near frozen targets or a friendly Stasis crystal, take less damage.
Whisper of Durance: Slow from abilities last longer, and for abilities that linger, the duration also increases. (+10 strength)

Exotic armour

Osmiomancy Gloves: Grant Coldsnap Grenades better tracking and grant grenade ability upon hitting and freezing an enemy.

Armour mods

Harmonic Siphon: Rapid weapon final blows with damage matching your subclass type create an Orb of Power.
Bomber: Reduces grenade cooldown when using class ability.
Firepower: When Charged with Light, regain a portion of your grenade energy when using your grenade.

Quick Charge, Swift Charge, Sustained Charge or Precision Charge: This choice depends on your preferred weapon choice for PvP. For information, check out our guide to the best Destiny 2 meta weapons for PvP.

  • Quick Charge grants Charged with Light by rapidly defeating multiple enemies with Fusion Rifles or Shotguns, and also increases the ready speed for Fusion Rifles, Shotguns, Submachine Guns, and Swords.
  • Swift Charge grants Charged with Light for rapidly defeating combatants with Pulse Rifles, Sidearms, or Submachine Guns, plus defeating combatants with a Pulse Rifle grants a chance to drop Special ammo for your allies.
  • Sustained Charge grants Charged with Light by rapidly defeating combatants with Auto Rifles, Trace Rifles, or Machine Guns.
  • Precision Charge grants Charged with Light by defeating combatants with precision kills from Bows, Hand Cannons, and Scout Rifles (-10 Strength).

Stacks on Stacks: Gain an extra stack of Charged with Light for every stack you gain. (-10 Recovery)


Weapon containing a Headstone trait: Precision final blows spawn a Stasis crystal at the victim’s location.

Beyond this, choose a powerful weapon that corresponds with the weapon type that will grant you Charged with Light.

Best Destiny 2 Warlock Stasis builds for PvP and PvE: A Shadebinder Warlock mid-cast.

How to unlock Stasis Aspects and Fragments

Finally, if you’re looking to create the best Destiny 2 Warlock Stasis builds, it’s essential to understand the progression path to unlocking Stasis aspects and fragments. Presently, the path to unlocking Stasis Aspects and Fragments differs from the path for unlocking Void, Arc, and Solar ones.

To unlock the Stasis subclass, you must own the game’s Beyond Light expansion and complete the campaign. You’ll then speak with the Exo Stranger on Europa, who’ll give you the Born in Darkness quest line. Complete the various steps of this quest line, and return to her to pick up additional objectives that allow you to earn Fragments. The game limits players to two per week, though this may change with the introduction of Lightfall.

Best Destiny 2 Warlock Stasis builds for PvP and PvE: Vex enemies that have been frozen by the Warlock Stasis super ability.

And with that, we have a breakdown of our best Destiny 2 Warlock Stasis builds. Check out our guides covering the best Hunter Stasis builds, and the best Titan Stasis builds, too. You’ll also want to know what’s coming up next with our guide covering the Destiny 2 season 20 release date, which is coming soon.